Shipment Management

Tender Contact Information

This page displays the service provider contact who will be receiving the tender, how they will receive the tender, and the time they have to respond to the tender offer. This information is retrieved first from the existing tender contact ID on the shipment. If null, Oracle Transportation Management selects the proper contact by first seeing if the service provider has a contact designated with the client's shipper corporation. If a relationship exists between the three, Oracle Transportation Management automatically defaults to the service provider contact that handles that client's tenders. Next, it looks to see if a dispatch location contact is available if the service provider supports dispatch by region. If neither are found, Oracle Transportation Management uses the primary contact of the service provider to send its tenders to.

You can also change the contact who receives the tender, the method in how they receive it, and the deadline time they have to respond to the tender offer. The scheduled tender time can be overridden.

Note: If you do not want this page to display, set the following property to False: glog.webserver.uic.getTenderInfo.showTenderInfoPage.

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