Configuration and Administration

glog.objectLock Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




By default, all object lock logging is logged to the ObjectLockPoller log ID. Background poller activity can be directed to a dedicated log ID by setting this property.



By default, all object lock logging is logged to the ObjectLockPoller log ID. User actions from the Object Lock diagnostic screen can be directed to a dedicated log ID by setting this property.



This property controls deadlock behavior. It takes the following settings:

  • never: all deadlock data collection is suppressed. This adds no overhead for deadlock detection.
  • alwaysTrack: detect deadlocks as they occur and track them. Deadlock resolution must still proceed manually.
  • alwaysResolve:detect, track, and resolve deadlocks as they occur.
  • onDemand: collect deadlock detection. The Open Processes screen has an option to Show Deadlocks. This will show each deadlocked resource. The screen supports a Resolve Deadlocks action to release all owning processes.

Default: alwaysTrack



If this property is set to true, the system checks every attempt to insert or update an OBJECT_LOCK record. This includes the initial creation of an object lock, the assignment of a lock to an owner and the releasing of a lock from its owner. We output the current owner information of the lock if:

  1. The insertion of the OBJECT_LOCK record fails
  2. A database record lock for the OBJECT_LOCK record fails
  3. The update of an OBJECT_LOCK record to assign an owner fails
  4. The update of an OBJECT_LOCK record to remove an owner fails

This will help debug any latency issues affecting OBJECT_LOCK.



Only activate this property when directed to by Oracle.



Controls whether Data Type Association actions and FOR actions lock the parent record as well as each child record. Works in conjunction with glog.agent.dta.lockParent. If glog.objectLock.locks.activity.FOR and glog.agent.dta.lockParent are both set to false, the parent locks are suppressed.



Object locks have an owner timeout as well as a waiter timeout. The default behavior is to time out owned locks in 2 hours, allowing waiters to proceed with mediated workflow. After the period specified in this property, waiters will be allowed to grab the lock away from the current owner.



If set to True, the lock is never handed off to a waiter, but errors are written to the log under the ObjectLock ID.



Sets the minimum age, in seconds, of locks to release.



Sets the frequency, in seconds, for the lock poller.



Sets the age, in seconds, of an unowned object lock to be a candidate for purging.



Sets the number of seconds between registry polling.



The default timeout of all synchronous object locks. This property does not affect locks attempted by the mediator.



The default timeout of synchronous object locks for the given activity. This property is primarily used for activities that do not use an audit action since the audit action table maintains its own set of timeouts. Settings on the audit action will override the value in this property. This setting does not affect locks attempted by the mediator.


The frequency, as a duration string, to poll object lock waiters for timeout. Default: 10 seconds.

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