Configuration and Administration

glog.workflow Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




To disable the handling of access rights in workflow, set this property to false. Default: true



Specifies the maximum number of records that will be reported in a data query notification; if the actual number of records exceeds this maximum, the first N records (up to the maximum) will be listed in the response XML, and the XML will have a MoreRecords tag attached to it. Default: 99.



Default: TRUE

To turn off mediation on declaration events, set this property to False.

Note: This property does not display in the properties servlet by default. It must be added manually.


Designates the default From Address for emails generated by the system.

Note: This property and glog.mail.from should have the same value.



Designates the default From Address for faxes generated by the system.

glog.workflow.notify.advisor.IVR Also, see the glog.ivr properties topic.


Specified "human" name for e-mail/fax/SMS sender address for contact notifications from OTM. Defaults to "G-Log Advisor".

glog.workflow.notify.advisor.SMS Also, see the glog.sms properties topic.



Specifies whether punctuation marks should be left in:

1. telephone numbers used for sending SMS text messages.

2. fax numbers in messages to be sent to email-to-fax translation services (see property

Default: false (i.e., strip non-digit characters from mobile phone or fax numbers).



To persist workflow queue thread changes made in the glog.webserver.event.EventDiagServlet servlet to a property set, set this property to true.



Default maximum time to wait for a published topic to complete if published by background code; if not completed within the timeout interval, a timeout error will be reported. Default: 1800 seconds.



Default maximum time to wait for a published topic to complete if published by interactive user operation; if not completed within the timeout interval, a timeout error will be reported. Default: 60 seconds.

glog.workflow.queueThreads.<queue>=<# of threads>


Controls queue thread counts. Some queues are:

agentGtmCompliance: addresses threads for GTM transactions and GTM transaction lines.

agentGtmDataSync: addresses threads for GTM data synchronization using the Synchronize OTM Data action.

agentGtmDeclMsg: addresses GTM declaration message workflow threads for messages sent to and received from customs.

agentGtmPC: this handles the GTM product classification workflow threads.

agentGtmRPLS: addresses the threads for restricted party screening.

agentGtmUtility:  same as before. addresses GTM automation agents.

screenPartyProcess: addresses threads for GTM restricted party list screening on contacts in bulk

Note that if there are spaces in the queue name, the property should be specified as: "glog.worfklow.queueThreads.<queue>"=<# of threads>.

Note that any property specified with queueThreads will take precedence over a property specified with glog.process.threadGroup.

Replaces the deprecated property, glog.workflow.topicGroup=<queue>,<# of threads>. Old glog.workflow.topicGroup properties take precedence over glog.workflow.queueThreads properties for backwards compatibility.



When sending an outbound file, the default file size is 50 megabytes. You can increase or decrease this number by adjusting this property. The format of the property is in bytes, so 50 megabytes is defined as 5000000.

Note: This property does not display in the properties servlet by default. It must be added manually.



When sending an outbound file, the number of files it will send out in a given transaction is set by this property. The default value is 1000. For example, if the maxCharacter property above is set to its default, as well as this property, then the maximum number of files that Oracle Transportation Management will send out is 1000, each no bigger than 50 megabytes.

Note: This property does not display in the properties servlet by default. It must be added manually.

glog.workflow.task.blockTimeout.<task type>


This indicates the number of seconds to wait before timeout when executing the task list.

glog.workflow.task.desiredBatchSize.<task type>


This property defines the desired number of tasks in each batch. This may be based on the number of threads in the event queue by specifying QUEUE. If QUEUE, the number will be determined by balancing the workload over the event queue threads. For example, 1000 tasks using a queue with 5 threads would result in 5 batches with 200 tasks each. Note that QUEUE presumes you have a dedicated queue for the task type.

glog.workflow.task.flags.<task type>


For controlling task execution (WAIT_ON_LIFETIME, ABORT_ON_TIMEOUT, LOG_BATCHES). Allowed flags are:

  • WAIT_ON_LIFETIME: If set, the TaskList.execute method blocks on all activity related to the batches, including agents and notification. Otherwise, the method blocks only on the execution of the tasks.
  • ABORT_ON_TIMEOUT: If set, any timeout in the TaskList.execute method removes any related batches from the event queues. Active batches are not interrupted. This flag results in indeterministic behavior and should only be used to reduce unnecessary work on the application server.

Default: 0<task type>


This property sets the event queue used when processing parallel tasks. If the value is  missing, the tasks are processed on the caller's thread.

See Bulk Plan Multi-threading.

glog.workflow.task.minimumBatchSize.<task type>


Batches can have overhead to due shared resources and workflow processing. This property sets the minimum number of tasks in a batch. This setting is used in tandem with the QUEUE desired batch size. It ensures that small batches are avoided even if there are dedicated threads to process them.

If the total number of tasks is less than the minimum, the system creates a single batch to process the tasks.

Default: 50

glog.workflow.task.parallelThreshold.<task type>


This property sets the minimum number of waves needed to process in parallel.

Used when a caller uses the execute() method of the TaskList. If the total number of batches is less than the threshold, all tasks are processed on the calling thread. Otherwise, the batches are published to workflow queues. Note that the TaskList submit() method always publishes batches.

Default: 2



Specifies the number of parallel threads to process topic events; may be changed dynamically while OTM is running to increase capacity or reduce resource consumption as needed. Default: 1.<glog.server>


These properties map each topic to a thread group.<gtm.server>


These properties allow GTM users to perform load balancing.



When this property is true, a change to the Earliest Estimated Pickup Date on an Order Release does not trigger the Order Release MOD lifetime event or custom event. For more information, see the glog.workflow.topic.OrderLatestEstDeliveryDateSync.suppresslifetime property.

Default: true



Set to false to trigger Order Release MOD lifetime event or custom event on OrderRelease LATEST_EST_DELIVERY_DATE field.

For example, When this property is false:

  1. build a big order onto 2 shipments (split)
  2. edit one shipment's stop 2 arrival time
  3. this event is raised (per the log), triggering the agent OR LATEST EST DELV DATE CHANGED, which sends shipment XML out.

When true, the same steps do not trigger the agent.

Default: true



The default timeout of remote topics.

glog.workflow.topic.remoteTimeout.<topic class>


The timeout for a specific remote topic.



The polling frequency to check for timeouts.

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