Configuration and Administration

gtm.rpls Properties

To control the behavior of Global Trade Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




Use this property to control whether to delete those restricted parties which are no longer a match during restricted party list (RPL) screening. The property can take up the following values:

  • APPROVED = Verified Match

  • ESCALATED = Escalated

  • REQUIRES REVIEW = Potential Match

  • REJECTED = Not a Match

You can add comma separated values. For example, REQUIRES REVIEW,APPROVED,,..  

On performing RPL rescreening, GTM will rescreen the existing matches, and update their match factor. In case any of the existing matches is no longer a match, GTM will consider it for deletion if its status is mentioned in the property. You can update the property with only those status values which should be considered for deletion. GTM will not change the status of any of the existing matches for which the status is not mentioned in the property.




Use this property to specify a global list of comma separated exclusion words to be considered while performing restricted party screening.



Use this property to enhance restricted party list and compliance screening performance.

Default: true

gtm.rpls.process.useTaskList 24C

When set to true, this property supports a light weight task list model with parallel screening on contacts in bulk. When true, the application groups the contacts into batches and publishes the batches as an event to the event queue "screenPartyProcess", and are then processed by its corresponding threads.

The number of threads allowed and the batch size are controlled by the properties glog.workflow.queueThreads.screenPartyProcess and glog.workflow.task.desiredBatchSize.ScreenPartyProcess, respectively.

When set to false, all the contacts are published as individual event to the event queue "agentGtmRPLS" and are then processed by their corresponding threads.

Default: false

gtm.rpls.prorateEmptyParameterWeight 24C

You can use this property to exclude an empty parameter as part of the Overall Match Factor during restricted party list screening and hence, reduce the number of false positives returned. When the property is true and the Match Default is MATCH, weightage of the empty parameters is prorated among the non-empty parameters while calculating the overall match factor and is then compared with the threshold on the service preference.

Overall Match Factor without prorating = Sum of weighted Match Factor for all non-empty parameters

Overall Match Factor with prorating = Sum of weighted Match Factor for all non-empty parameters/Sum of weight of all non-empty parameters



Use this property to:

  • Support the "OR" criterion between forward and backward match with a maximum match factor. This is the default behavior.
  • Support the "AND" criterion between forward and backward match with a minimum and an average match factor. It is recomended that you use this to improve the match quality and reduce false positives during restricted party list screening.

The possible values that the property can take are:

  • forwardOrReverseWithMaxMatchFactor
  • forwardAndReverseWithMinMatchFactor
  • forwardAndReverseWithAverageMatchFactor

The default value is forwardOrReverseWithMaxMatchFactor when the service preference is "AD_HOC_PARTY_SCREENING_SERV_PREF".

Note: This property takes effect only if the optional feature "RPLS SUPPORTS AND CONDITION FOR MATCH DIRECTION" is enabled. If the feature is disabled, then screening will be carried out based on the old behavior (i.e. forward or backward match with a maximum match factor), irrespective of the value of the property. The exiting behavior can be achieved with the value "forwardOrReverseWithMaxMatchFactor".



Use this property to specify which of the following values to be considered while performing restricted party screening:

  • Service Preference: The system will remove exclusion words defined at service preference level from both party and denied parties.

  • Global: The system will remove the global list of exclusion words (identified by the gtm.rpls.diceEngine.globalExclusionWords property) from party and denied parties. (This value is deprecated and you are suggested to use the value 'GlobalExclusionServicePreference' instead.)

  • noExclusionFromDeniedParty: The system will remove exclusion words from party but will not from the denied parties.

  • GlobalExclusionServicePreference: The system will remove the global list of exclusion words (identified by the service preference parameter and service preference) from party and denied parties.

  • No: The system will not remove exclusion words from party or any of the parties.



If you set the property to true, it nullifies the contribution of unknown or empty parameter towards the overall match factor. If you set the property to false, the threshold value entered in the Service Parameter page is considered for the overall match factor.

Default: false



Use this property to set the maximum number of denied parties allowed in the cache.

Default: 750000

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