Configuration and Administration

Mobile Layout

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Mobile Layout.

A mobile layout contains the default look and feel of the Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application. By copying and editing a mobile layout, you can change the number of boxes shown, the color and label of the boxes, the saved query used to fill the boxes, etc. Use the Copy Mobile Layout action to duplicate the public or other custom mobile layout. The mobile layout is configured using JSON and REST API integration. See the REST API for Business Object Resources Guide for instructions on how to make API calls. See Mobile Metadata Expression Syntax for more details on how to structure the JSON. 

Creating a Mobile Layout

Note: While you can create a new mobile layout by clicking New, it is recommended that you select a sample mobile layout, such as DEFAULT_MOBILE_LAYOUT, and click Copy Mobile Layout.

  1. Enter a Mobile Layout ID.
  2. Enter a Name to describe the layout.
  3. Select a Domain Name.
  4. Edit the JSON text area to customize how your browser-based mobile app will appear.
  5. Click Finished.

After creating a mobile layout, select it in your user preferences in order to use it.

Configuring JSON

Each section of the JSON configures how the browser-based mobile app will appear. See Mobile Metadata Expression Syntax for more details on how to structure the JSON.


These settings control what is displayed when you tap the User button in the upper-right, next to the Home button.

  • showNickname: Set to true to display the user's nickname.
  • showUserID: Set to true to display the user's ID.
  • showUserRole: Set to true to display the user's role.
  • idleTimeout: Allow you to configure the idle timeout so that a mobile user signs out when they are idle for the indicated number of minutes. The maximum allowed value is 480. Default is 0.
  • expandShipment: Controls the child elements you want to show as expanded, by default. For example, to expand Shipment Remarks, Shipment Stop Reference Numbers, and Shipment Stop Remarks you would add:

    "expandShipment": "remarks,stops.refnums,stops.remarks",

    You can then decide which of those values you would like to see in the mobile web application. For example, to show the Shipment Remark value for Qualifier "AIRLINE" you would add this:

        "shipmentInfo": [
             "name": "Shipment Airline",
             "value": "remarks/items[remarkQualGid eq 'AIRLINE']/remarkText"

  • NFRStopEventsOptional: Set this to true to make Arrived/Departed Events optional for NFR (Non Freight Related) stops for drivers.

  • showNFRStops: Set to false to to hide Non Freight Related (NFR) stops on the driver flow on the Shipment List page.

  • multipleActiveShipments: When set to true, drivers have the ability to start multiple shipments. When the "Active Shipments" box on Dashboard is selected it will show a list of active shipments.  The default is false, meaning drivers will only see one active shipment. Note that if there are shipments that begin from different start location from the current shipment's ending location, review the NFR stops in subsequent shipment. For example, if the shipments are processed out of order, the NFR stop for the earlier shipment may not be relevant.

  • verificationOptions: Controls the labels on the buttons for verifying actions in the app. The default is "Ok-Cancel" and you can also set this to "Yes-No".

  • shipmentIdOption: If you want to show a shipment value other than the shipment ID, you can choose to display any field on a shipment instead, such as the shipmentName. This is configurable much like PrimaryHeader. The default is "shipmentXid".


You can customize the landing page of your mobile app by changing API connection points, saved queries, titles, and button/label colors.

  • boxId: The unique whole number of the box you are customizing on the landing page. The UI displays the buttons based on the order they are in the JSON file, not the numbers in the boxId.

    Note: If you are using a custom mobile layout and change the glog.fusion.cil.config.defaultShape.v2.shipments property from "shipmentNoSSUs" to "shipments" then you need to change all the endPoints for your boxeIds from using "shipments" to using "shipmentNoSSUs" in that custom mobile layout.
  • endPoint: The API endpoint you are referencing.
  • savedQueryGid: The saved query that controls what information is being returned through the API call. You can use your own saved query here.
  • parameterValues: Used with the DRIVERS COMPLETED SHIPMENTS and SERVPROVS COMPLETED SHIPMENTS savedQueryGids to control the number of shipments which appear in the Completed box. By default, only shipments which have been Completed in the last 7 days will be returned.
  • title: The title of the box.
  • backgroundColor: The background color of the box. You can use common HTML names of colors or HEX color codes.
  • fontColor: The font color. You can use common HTML names of colors or HEX color codes.
  • boxType: It is not recommended that you change this setting. boxtype and shipmentsType must match and correspond with a valid saved query. You must have one box defined as the activeShipment in order to access other features, such as the addEvent. The possible values are activeShipment and shipmentsCount.
  • shipmentsType: For a boxType of shipmentsCounts, it can be "all," "confirmed," "assigned," or any unique label. When defining this value, shipmentsType and shipmentListTabId must be the same unique value. For boxType of activeShipment this must also be "activeShipment."
  • shipmentListTabId: Used when the shipmentsType is "shipmentsCounts."
  • shipmentListTabName: Used when the shipmentsType is "shipmentsCounts." This is the tab name displayed in the mobile application.
  • hideOnDashboard: When set to true, the corresponding box will not be shown on the dashboard.
  • refreshOnHome: When set to true, the corresponding box will refresh every time you tap the Home button. If it is false, the box will only be refreshed when you tap the Refresh button or when the screen loads when you sign in.
  • savedQueryResultCount: Defines how many saved query results are displayed. Setting to too high a value will slow down the system. Valid values are 1 to 100. Defaults to 25.


For example:

        "boxId": 1,
        "endPoint": "/logisticsRestApi/resources/v2/custom-actions/savedQueries/shipmentNoSSUs",
        "savedQueryGid": "DRIVERS CURRENT SHIPMENT",
        "title": "Active Shipment",
        "backgroundColor": "green",
        "fontColor": "white",
        "boxType": "activeShipment",
        "shipmentsType": "activeShipment"


        "boxId": 2,
        "endPoint": "/logisticsRestApi/resources/v2/custom-actions/savedQueries/shipmentNoSSUs",
        "savedQueryGid": "DRIVERS CONFIRMED SHIPMENTS",
        "title": "Confirmed Shipments",
        "backgroundColor": "orange",
        "fontColor": "black",
        "boxType": "shipmentsCount",
        "shipmentsType": "confirmed",
        "shipmentListTabId": "confirmed",
        "shipmentListTabName": "Confirmed"


shipmentList and shipmentDetails

For details on how the API integration works with shipmentList and shipmentDetails, see these areas of the API guide:

  • Location > Get a Location
  • Shipments > Get a Shipment
  • Shipments > Stops > Get a Stop
  • Shipments > Stops > Details > Get a Detail

Shipment List and Details use the following parameters:

  • showCost: If set to true, a carrier can see shipment costs in the OTM Mobile Web Application. Default: false.
  • showServiceProvider: If set to false, the carrier ID would not be shown in shipment information. Default: true.
  • showTotalGrossWeight: Set to true to show shipment total gross weight in the shipment information. Default: true.
  • showTotalGrossVolume: Set to true to show shipment total gross volume in the shipment information. Default: true.
  • showTotalShipUnitCount: Set to true to show shipment total ship unit count in the shipment information. Default: true.
  • showContactDetails: Set to true to show shipment contact details in the shipment information. Default: true.
  • involvedPartyQualifier: If "showContactDetails" is set true, then the contact information will be pulled from this qualifier. Default: LOGISTICS. Valid value: An involved party qualifier GID.
  • sShipUnitRefnumQualGid: If the shipment ship unit reference number qualifier GID is given here, the same reference number text will be displayed in the shipment information. Valid value: shipment ship unit reference number qualifier GID.
  • showShipmentRefnums: If set to true, then shipment reference numbers are displayed in the mobile web application.
  • expandAccordion: Set to true if you want the shipment reference numbers to be shown in an expanding text area.
  • expand[Specific]Accordion: Set to true to provide ability to expand or collapse corresponding areas.
    • expandDataFieldFooterAccordion
    • expandContactDetailsAccordion
    • expandEventsAccordion
    • expandDocumentsAccordion
    • expandStopDetailsAccordion
    • expandOrderReleasesAccordion
  • defaultMapZoomLevel: Controls the default zoom level of the map. If you set the value above 100, the app uses 100. If the value is set below 0, the app uses 12. The default is 12. Setting above 17 has no noticeable effect.
  • showStopDocuments: Set to true to show all documents (images and PDFs) available on the shipment stop.
  • expandStopDocumentsAccordion: Set to true if you want the stop documents to be shown in an expanding text area.
  • shipmentInfo: Lets you add a line with more info about the shipment using a "name": "Shipment Attribute 12",
             "value": "attribute12" format. For example:

    "shipmentInfo": [
                                  "name": "Shipment Total Gross Weight",
                    "value": "totalWeight | uomTwoDecimalFormatter"
                    "name": "Shipment Total Gross Volume",
                    "value": "totalVolume | uomTwoDecimalFormatter"
                    "name": "Shipment Total Ship Unit Count",
                    "value": "totalShipUnitCount"
                        "name": "Shipment Refnum",
                        "value": " refnums/items[shipmentRefnumQualGid eq 'GLOG']/shipmentRefnumValue"

For Shipment List and Shipment Details, the default value for primaryHeader is primaryHeader: "firstEquipmentGroupGid".

Alternatively, you can use this to get a reference number value for the BM qualifier in the metadata:

primaryHeader: "refnums/items[shipmentRefnumQualGid eq 'BM']/shipmentRefnumValue"

primaryHeader: "attribute8"

New fields can only be added on shipmentDetails on header and footer sections. For example, for Shipment List:

"shipmentList": {
        "primaryHeader": "refnums/items[shipmentRefnumQualGid eq 'BM']/shipmentRefnumValue",
        "secondaryHeader": "attribute8",
        "sourceLocation": [
        "destLocation": [

E.g for Shipment Details

"shipmentDetails": {
        "primaryHeader": "firstEquipmentGroupGid",
        "secondaryHeader": "",
        "dataFieldHeader": [
                "name": "Loaded Distance",
                "value": "loadedDistance"
                "name": "Load Config Engine Type",
                "value": "loadConfigEngineTypeGid"
                "name": "Shipment RefNum",
                "value": "refnums/items[shipmentRefnumQualGid eq 'BM']/shipmentRefnumValue"
        "footerLabel": "Shipment Totals",
        "dataFieldFooter": [
                "name": "Total Gross Weight",
                "value": "totalWeight"
                "name": "Total Gross Volume",
                "value": "totalVolume"
                "name": "Total Ship Unit Count",
                "value": "totalShipUnitCount"



  • showOrderReleases: Set to true to display order releases.
  • orderReleasesLabel: Sets the text that is displayed for the section when viewing order releases.
  • expand: Defines which of the objects can be expanded so you can show data from child records. Applies to refnums, remarks,and involvedParties.
  • popupEnabled: Set to true to show shipment reference numbers in a popup.

The "expand" parameter is not related to the accordion expand options used elsewhere. It defines which of the objects can be expanded in the REST API so you can show data from child records.

The following example is for the refnum option. 

                    "name": "Vessel",
                    "value": "refnums/items[orderReleaseRefnumQualGid eq 'VESSEL NAME']/orderReleaseRefnumValue"



You can customize the Add Event functionality of your mobile app by limiting location access, photo access, and signature access.

  • allowCurrentLocation: Set to true to let the app insert the users' current location. If it is true, the option of "CURRENT LOCATION" appears in the application when selecting locations. If set to false, the user will not be able to enter a shipment event with "current location", and can only enter events with shipment stops as location.
    Default: true.
  • photos: Allows the users to attach photos. If set to false, you will not be able to upload photos or documents with shipment events. 
    Default: true.
  • signature: Allows the users to attach a signature. If set to false, you will not be able to upload a signature along with the shipment event. Default: true.
  • allowImageCompression: If set to true, the system will compress image as per the image minimum size defined. Default: false.
  • minimumImageSizeForCompression: This will only come in play if "allowImageCompression" is set to true. The system will compress images more than the minimum size to within the value. Value is always defined in MB. Valid value: a number. Default: 1.
  • enableBarCodeScanner: Enable this to activate the barcode scanner. Default: false. If enabled, you can configure what to capture by the scan:
    • "captureReceivedQuantity" : {
          "enableBarCodeScanner": false,
              "captureReceivedQuantityEnabled": true,
              "captureReceivedShipUnit": true, (ship unit)
              "captureReceivedWeight": true, (weight)
              "captureReceivedVolume": true, (volume)
              "sShipUnitRefnumQualGid": "" (set to GUEST.MYQUAL_GID to display a reference number instead of the shipment ship unit ID.)
  • mandatoryCaptureReceivedQuantity: Use this to make the Received Ship Unit Count required based on Stop Type and Quick Code. For example, if you want to specify the fields are always required on Pickup Stops, you would use:
    • "mandatoryCaptureReceivedQuantity": {
          "stopType": [
              "type": "P",
              "required": true


    • For example, if you want to specify the fields are required on Delivery Stops only for Quick Codes ARRIVED_AT_STOP and DEPARTED_FROM_STOP, you would use:
    • "mandatoryCaptureReceivedQuantity": {
          "stopType": [
              "type": "D",
              "requiredForEvents": ["ARRIVED_AT_STOP","DEPARTED_FROM_STOP"]


  • captureRemarks: This allows the user to capture remarks along with shipment events. Default: true.
  • remarkQualifierGid: If "captureRemarks" is set to true, the remark qualifier GID can be changed from default to any other value. Valid value: remark qualifier GID. Default: MOBILE and a FieldType of Text. You can also define a label, a field type (Text, Number, or fixedList),  and indicate if this is required or not. For example:

    "remarks" : {
        "captureRemarks": true,
        "remarkQualifierGid": [
                "remarkQualifierGid": "MOBILE",
                "label": "Mobile",
                "requiredForEvents": ["ARRIVED_AT_STOP","DEPARTED_FROM_STOP"]
                "remarkQualifierGid": "REM",
                "label": "Rem",
                "required": true,
                "fieldType": "Number"
                "remarkQualifierGid": "AIRLINE",
                "label": "Airline",
                "fieldType": "fixedList",
                "options": [
                    {"label": "", "value": ""},
                    {"label": "American", "value": "AMERICAN"},
                    {"label": "Southwest", "value": "SOUTHWEST"},
                    {"label": "Spirit", "value": "SPIRIT"}
  • restrictEventDateChange: You can restrict the ability to enter event dates based on the mobile date and time. "restrictEventDateChange" can have values of false, true, or "future". If it is false, there will be no restriction on entering an event date. If it is true, you cannot change the date and time from what is displayed. If it is "future", you cannot change the date and time to any future date and time, but can change to past date and time. Default: false.
  •  captureReceivedQuantity: This section records received values for a shipment ship unit, including the weight received or volume received. It contains the following parameters:
    • captureReceivedQuantityEnabled: This allows the user to capture a shipment received quantity along with the shipment event. If set to false, the user will not be able to capture the received quantity. Default: true.
    • captureReceivedShipUnit: This allows the user to capture a received ship unit count under the received quantity. If set to false, the user will not be able to capture the received ship unit count. Default: true.
    • captureReceivedWeight: This allows the user to capture the received weight under the received quantity. If set to false, the user will not be able to capture the received weight. Default: true.
    • captureReceivedVolume: This allows the user to capture the received volume under the received quantity. If set to false, the user will not be able to capture the received volume. Default: true.
    • sShipUnitRefnumQualGid: This will replace the sShipUnitGID to show on the Add Event screen. It will help you provide a number/ID other than the sShipUnitGID which can be helpful for a user to identify the ship unit ID.
  • expandRemarkAccordion: Set to true to provide ability to expand or collapse corresponding areas.
  • expandShipUnitAccordion: Set to true to provide ability to expand or collapse corresponding areas.
  • exceptionEvent: The Add Exception Event button on Mobile Event screen is configurable and by default is not displayed. You can configure the label, location, and event details (quick code) for the Add Exception Event button. An event detail or quick code is mandatory in order to show this button.
  • exceptionEventLocation: Can be current, first or last. The default is current.
  • shipUnitAutofill: Set to true to auto-fill the ship unit received quantity from the planned quantity when you open the ship unit received quantity page. The default is false.
  • defaultArrivedQuickCode: Allows you to change the default quick codes. The default is "ARRIVED_AT_STOP". If this is incorrectly defined, the Shipment Details page may not display the Arrived/Departed buttons.
  • defaultDepartedQuickCode: Allows you to change the default quick codes. The default is "DEPARTED_FROM_STOP". If this is incorrectly defined, the Shipment Details page may not display the Arrived/Departed buttons.

For example:

    "addEvent": {
        "allowCurrentLocation": true,
        "photos": true,
        "signature": true

        "allowImageCompression": false,



You can brand your mobile app by adding a custom logo, URL, and title.

  • logoImage: A path to a custom logo. The recommended image dimensions are: width: 137px, height: 18px. Images of other sizes will be resized to those dimensions.
  • logoUrl: The URL that opens when you tap on the logo.
  • title: The title that appears next to the logo. 

For example:

    "branding": {
        "logoImage": "/images/icons/system/lengthwise_top.gif",
        "logoUrl": "",
        "title": "Your Title"


This offline functionality is only used by service providers. Drivers do not need this functionality as they are allowed to submit offline events. Offline functionality has been extended to the following service provider actions:

  • Start on Accepted Shipments.
  • Accept and Decline on Tendered Shipments.
  • Decline on Open Bids.

Offline functionality is configurable, and you have to set the parameter "true" in order to allow carriers to respond to tender while offline. They default to false.

For example:
    "offline": {           
        "startShipment" : false,
        "acceptTender": false,
        "declineTender" : false,

        "declineBidTender": false


If you want a user to access webites outside of Oracle Transportation Management, you can define external URLs. When you set these up and a user taps on the link, the URL will open in a new tab in the mobile browser. There are no default external URLs defined.

     "externalUrls" : [ ]

For example:

     "externalUrls" : [

          "name": "Google",

          "url":  ""




You can configure XID, GID, or the Description in the Quick Code droplists. 

  • showGids: If you set "showGids" to true, GIDs will be shown in the droplist.
  • showDescriptionIfExists: If "showDescriptionIfExists" is true, a description will be shown in the list. 

For example:        
     "quickCodes": {            
        "showDescriptionIfExists": false,
        "showGids": false


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