About the Mobile Application

The old mobile solution was Oracle Transportation Mobile, an iOS/Android app you download from an app store on your mobile device. The current mobile application is a mobile browser-based solution called Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application.

Note: The old Oracle Transportation Mobile iOS/Android app has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application

The Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application is a mobile browser-based application that lets carriers and drivers to do basic functions. It can be added to the home screen of your mobile device, and it can provide an offline user experience. It can be configured and customized via a mobile layout and user preference that selects that customized mobile layout. The Mobile Web Application shows same language as the mobile device and uses all of OTM's supported languages.

Add the Mobile Web Application to a Mobile Device

Open the mobile web app in the browser. Then use the browser in your mobile device to Add to Home Screen. Each OS has a different method for adding a web page to their home screen, but the option usually exists from the browser's Share feature. That will create an icon on the mobile device which will open the mobile web app directly.

User Role Functionality

Based on the role of the user, different functionality is available.

Carrier User

When a carrier logs into the mobile web application, they are presented with their shipments on the springboard, organized primarily by status. The carrier can:

  • Accept or Reject Normal tender
  • Start Accepted Shipment
  • Record Events for the Active Shipments
  • Respond to Spot bid
Normal Tender

A carrier can access a normal tender and choose to respond (Accept or Reject). Upon Accepting, the carrier needs to start the shipment by tapping the start button, which moves shipment to the Active Shipment box where they can enter shipment events. A carrier can have more than one active shipment.

Spot Bid

A carrier can respond to a bid by entering the amount, and then submitting the bid. The carrier may submit multiple bids until the bid is “Withdrawn” or “Awarded”. An awarded bid can be viewed in normal tender options. They may decline a spot bid at any point of the spot bid process. 

Driver User

When a driver logs into the mobile web application, they are presented with their shipments on the springboard, organized primarily by status. The driver can:

  • View Assigned Shipments
  • Confirm Assigned Shipments
  • View Confirmed Shipments
  • Start the next Confirmed Shipment to make it their Current/Active Shipment
  • Record Events for the Active Shipment

A driver will have only one Active shipment at a time.

Common Processes and Features

Entering Shipment Events

Once you have Active Shipment/s, you can open it to view the stops. Stop level actions are available and change as they proceed with the shipment. For example, if it is a 2 stop shipment, the following is the basic sequence of events the user will complete:

  • Stop 1 - Arrived
  • Stop 1 - Departed
  • Stop 2 - Arrived
  • Stop 2 - Departed (this completes the shipment)

Aside from the basic flow described above, you can record any other event at a stop or on the shipment. Additionally, you may add photos/PDF documents and/or a signature.

Offline Indicator

You can enter events even when the device is offline. The mobile web applications has an Offline icon that indicates when the device is not connected to internet. Events will be synchronized when the device is connected to internet. You can also see the status of events synchronization under the Offline Messages menu.

Shipment Search

You can search for shipments with any of the fields which are available in the mobile web app, e.g., shipment ID, location, city etc.. When you enter the numbers or characters in the search criteria, a result count appears on the different tabs; and you can find the matching shipments on the tabs.

Ship Unit Received Quantity and Remarks (Optional)

You can optionally enter a shipment ship unit received quantity and remark while entering shipment events.

View Contacts and Documents (Optional)

You can view contact information and documents which is available on the shipment. Contact information can be used to approach the contact. Documents and images can be viewed within the app, or downloaded to your device, if required.

Tracking Event Processing

Although not specific to the mobile web application,  in order for an event/tracking event to get processed in OTM, a matching agent along with a corresponding workflow agent is needed. It can be “Legacy Shipment Matching” along with the public agent “Shipment Event Tracker” or the “Match Shipment” agent action, and a tracking event based agent for workflow processing.

Configuring the Mobile Web Application

Enable Access

In order to use the Oracle Transportation Mobile Web App, the intended mobile web app user must have a user role with access the following access control lists:

  • Mobile Web Application REST - View:  If you want the user to have read-only access to the mobile app. All mobile web app uses should have this setting.
  • Mobile Web Application REST - Update: If you the user to Start/Confirm Shipments or Add Event, you will need this access as well as the View access.

Saved Query Access

If you've restricted user access to specific saved queries, you must provide access to the following saved queries. Additionally, if your mobile layout references a custom saved query, you must grant access to that as well. See Configure User Access for details.

By default a Servprov user needs access to these Saved Queries to run the mobile app:


By default a Driver user needs access to these Saved Queries to run the mobile app:


Custom Saved Queries

You can write you own saved query and replace the PUBLIC one in the mobile layout with your custom query. You must define the saved query GID in the savedQueryGid element in then the mobile layout in order to use it.

Opt In

Create a Custom Mobile Layout

If you do not want to use the default mobile layout, copy and customize it to suit your needs.

Select the Mobile Layout to Use

Edit the User Preferences for the user. Add the Mobile Layout ID user preference, and select the Mobile Layout of your choosing.

Launching the Mobile Web Application

The URL for the mobile web app is:

  • https://[hostname]/logisticsmobile

Where the [hostname] is your OTM URL.

Supported browsers are the most recent versions of Safari for iOS and Chrome for Android.  

Add the Mobile Web Application to a Mobile Device

Use the browser in your mobile device to Add to Home Screen after you have opened the mobile web app in the browser. Each OS has a different method for adding a web page to their home screen, but the option usually exists from the browser's Share feature. That will create an icon on the mobile device which will open the mobile web app directly.

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