
  • WMS: Computer System utilized to manage inventory within a Distribution Center, managing Receipt through Shipment of goods.
  • ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice): A notification of pending deliveries, similar to a packing list, sent in an electronic format or uploaded manually. Usually represents the entire contents of an inbound trailer.
  • License Plate Number (LPN): Unique barcode assigned to trailers so that they can be traced in WMS.
  • Inbound LPN: A unique LPN is required for each inbound receipt (Trailer) and for outbound shipments.
  • SKU: A Stock Keeping Unit (Item)
  • Reserve Location: Systematic locations used to track IBLPNs in the warehouse.
  • Drop Zone: An intermediary location. Orders cannot be allocated to Drop Zones.
  • Wave: Waves are records that match open Orders with allocatable inventory in the warehouse. When an allocation is created, WMS also creates a Picking Task.
  • Allocation: The process of matching an Outbound Order with LPNs available in the inventory.
  • Outbound LPN (OBLPN): An LPN that is packed for shipping. For Full LPN allocations, the IBLPN equals the OBLPN.