Interface Process

This interface moves data from WMS Activity (WMS) tables to WMS Activity Track (WFM tables). The next step in the process validates the User, SKU Line and WMS Transaction on each record before consolidating and moving the records to Daily Activity Track (WFM tables). With the WMS-WFM DB merge, since user table is now common between WMS and WFM, User validation is redundant. However, if either the SKU Line or WMS Transaction is not configured in WFM, the record is marked as ERROR and remains in WMS Activity Track.

Reprocessing Records

Records in WMS Activity Track with errors can be reprocessed by ensuring that missing data is first configured in WFM. For example, if a record fails due to missing SKU Line, the corresponding Unknown SKU Line column is populated with the Sku Line that is not configured in WFM. This Sku Line needs to be configured in WFM.

After configuring missing data, there are two ways in which error records can be reprocessed. The first option is to use the “Process WMS Activities” button on WMS Activity Track view. The other option is to just wait for the next scheduled run of the interface. The second step of the interface always tries to re-process error records first before processing new records.

If the reprocessing is triggered due to scheduled interface run, the “Number of Days” parameter is used to determine how many records should be reprocessed. Only records that fall in the range between current date and past “Number of Days” days are picked up for reprocessing. An extra day is added to "Number of Days" to take into account any user transaction that could have occurred over midnight traversing between two days.

For example, if current date is September 21 and "Number of Days" has been set as 10, the interface reprocesses records that have "Begin time stamp" later than or equal to September 10th (September 21 – (10+1) days).

Note: “Number of Days” parameter is only used for reprocessing error records. Also this parameter is only used when the reprocessing is triggered by scheduled job. It is not used when reprocessing is triggered using “Process WMS Activities” button on WMS Activity Track view.