Run WMS WFM Interface

This job type is used to schedule the process that picks up system activities from WMS and move data to WMS Activity Track in WFM. As a second step, the process moves data from WMS Activity Track to Daily Activity Track in WFM. This job accepts two parameters, “Username” and “Number of Days”.

The “Username” parameter needs to be a valid WMS user and should be eligible for the company/facility where the schedule job has been configured.

The “Number of Days” parameter only accepts values between 0 and 60. If no value is provided, it is defaulted to 7.

Note: The Run WMS WFM Interface should be enabled for only one facility (which will pick up all of the records from all facilities.)
Note: If a username that is in one of these scheduled jobs is eligible in more than one facility, then in the other facilities where this user is eligible, the scheduled jobs should not be enabled, otherwise this will create errors that can only be fixed via a datafix.It is recommended that you use a generic WFM user that is eligible in all of the facilities that you want to transfer the record to WFM. You should create a single scheduled job for each of these two scheduled jobs in a single facility.