Prompt Case/Pack Qty

The receiving modules Receive by Load and Receive by Shipment allow you to change the standard case/pack quantity of SKUs while receiving.

Configuration Steps

  1. Go to the “Screen Configurations” view.
  2. Select the RF receiving module and click Details. This will display all the parameters for the selected RF module.
  3. Select the parameter “confirm-uom-qty”. Click Edit.

From the “Module parm choice” drop-down, select the desired option.

Edit confirm-uom-qty Parameter

Screen parameter “confirm-uom-qty” can be configured with one of the following options:

  • Do Not Prompt: Case/Pack qty field cannot be edited. The Ctrl Q: Change Case/Pack qty key is available on the SKU scan screen and can be used to change case/pack qty.
  • Prompt per SKU per LPN: Case/Pack qty field is editable. By default, the item’s standard case/pack qty is displayed which can be changed on this screen. Ctrl Q key will not be available on the SKU scan screen.