Screen Flow when confirm-uom-qty is Configured as Do Not Prompt

  1. When the screen parameter “qty-uom” is configured as Cases or Packs and the screen parameter “confirm-uom-qty” is configured as Do Not Prompt, the Ctrl Q key is displayed on the SKU scan screen.

    Ctrl Q Change Case and Pack Quantity

  2. This key is functional only after a SKU is scanned on the screen. After a SKU is scanned and Ctrl Q is invoked, a pop up is displayed on the screen. This pop-up shows the current std case/pack qty of the scanned SKU as configured in item master. The pop up also has the option to change the std case/pack qty of the SKU.

    Update standard case and pack quantity
  3. If the std case/pack qty is changed on the pop-up, the new value is displayed as the case/pack qty on the SKU scan screen.

    Updated case quantity
    1. The new std case/pack qty will be applicable for the SKU in the LPN and subsequent LPNs throughout the receiving session until you exit from the receiving module.
    2. During the same session, you have the option to change the case/pack qty for the same SKU in a different LPN.
    3. You cannot change the case/pack qty of a SKU in the same LPN twice. If you attempt to change it a second time, the message “SKU already scanned with case/pack qty X is displayed.”
    4. If you receive the first SKU without using Ctrl-Q, then the std case/pack qty from item master is used and will be applicable for the SKU in the LPN and subsequent LPNs. In general, once a std/pack qty has been used for a SKU in an LPN, it cannot be changed in the same LPN.
      • If the std case/pack qty is changed on the receiving SKU scan screen, it does not reflect back on item master.
      • Ctrl-Q is not displayed in the SKU scan mode.