Barcode Types

Barcode Types are used to set up acceptable barcode formats for barcodes scanned with RF during warehouse operations. The barcode types can be used if it is required to restrict the format of certain barcodes. Barcode types can be set up to restrict formats of LPNs, Batch Numbers, etc...

There can be multiple formats for the same barcode types.

A barcode type will specify:
  • A prefix (not required)

  • The length of the barcode. Note: A length of -1 will indicate any length.

    The 'numeric_flg' will specify if a barcode type will only include numeric values.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Barcode Types Set Up Barcode Types
  1. Login at the specific company level.
  2. In the Barcode Types UI Module, select the barcode types that will be used for the flow and edit each record to enter values for the prefix and the length.
  3. Copy and edit records to set up additional formats for the same barcode types.