Sequence Counters

Sequence Counters are used to set up the generation of values for the different identifiers/numbers used in an end-to-end process flow. For example, sequence counters include: License Plate Numbers, shipment numbers, load numbers, and any other identifier number generated automatically by the system.

The counter code and counter description will specify the name of the identifier (ex: OBLPN - Outbound Container --> This counter will be used to set up the generation of outbound license plate numbers).

  • The prefix values will be used in every generated number sequence as a prefix. (ex: OC for Outbound Containers)
  • The start and end Number fields will specify the values for the start and end number of the sequence number (ex: 1 to 1000)
  • The sequence length will specify the number of characters that will get generated after the prefix
  • The increment will be the value by which the sequence number will increase.
  • The 'Append Facility Code to Prefix' flag can be checked to append the facility code to the sequence counter prefix.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Existing Sequence Counters Sequence Counter
  1. Login at the specific company level
  2. In the Sequence Counters UI Module, select each counter that will be used for the flow and edit each record to enter values for the fields.
  3. For the counter code Outbound Container a check digit method can be chosen to calculate the identifier number.
Sequence Counters for Ship To Companies Sequence Counter

New sequence counters for 'Outbound Container' are created for each new ship To company created in the Ship To Company Master.

The sequence counter set up for a ship to company will be used to generate outbound containers for Outbound LPNs being shipped to the ship to company.

Note: Ship To companies must be set up first to be able to set up these sequence counters. See Master Configuration.
  1. Login at the specific company level.
  2. In the Sequence Counters UI Module, search for the counter - Outbound Container created for a ship to company and edit the sequence values.
  3. For the counter code Outbound Container a check digit method can be chosen to calculate the identifier number.
Sequence Counter by Stores Sequence Counter

New sequence counters for 'Outbound Container' can be created for stores (Ship To Facilities). This will allow Outbound LPNs to be created with prefixes specific to a Store.

(i.e. Store 1 can have a specific prefix or sequence range for Outbound LPNs while Store 2 has different prefix and range)

Note: Facilities must be set up first to be able to set up these sequence counters. See Master Configuration.
  1. Login at the specific company level.
  2. In the Sequence Counters UI Module, search for the counter - Outbound Container created for a ship to company and edit the sequence values.

    OR copy an existing record for Outbound Container to add a new counter.

  3. Enter the required values.
  4. Select the specific Ship To Facility for which the sequence counter is being edited.
  5. For counter code Outbound Container, a check digit method can be chosen to calculate the identifier number.