Container Split

The RF - Split Container is used to split an Inbound LPN into a new or existing IB LPN.

Two IB LPNs can be combined using the RF - Split transaction (i.e. A container can be fully split into another container).

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Quantity Entry Limit Set Up Company Parameters When entering a quantity while creating an LPN, there can be warning and error messages set up for quantity limits. Company Parameters can be set up: QTY_ENTRY_ERROR_LIMIT: This will prevent a user from proceeding with operations when the quantity is higher QTY_ENTRY_WARNING_LIMIT: This will display a warning message, and a user can accept or reject proceeding
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. In the 'Company Parameter' UI Module, search for parameters: QTY_ENTRY_ERROR_LIMIT QTY_ENTRY_WARNING_LIMIT:
  3. Set the quantity for each parameter
Split Container Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfsplitcntr (Split Container) The RF - Split Container is used to split an Inbound LPN into a new or existing IB LPN. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Split Container - rf.inbound.cwrfsplitcntr