Inventory Adjustment

Inventory can be modified through:

  • RF Transaction Modify LPN: This will allow modifying an LPN Quantity and/or Putaway Type
  • Through the UI Screen 'Active Inventory'

Modifying Inventory will require the use of reason codes that will be specified for each modification on the reason why inventory was modified (i.e. cycle count, damages, QA, etc..)

Reason Codes will be generated in Inventory History along with the history activity for inventory adjustment.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Reason Codes Reason Codes
Note: Reason Codes are configured at the 3PL Parent Level
  1. Login at the 3PL Parent Level
  2. In the 'Reason Code' UI Screen, add a code and description for each Inventory Reason Codes
  3. Enter the reason code type as 'Any'
Modify IB LPN Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfmodcase (Modify IBLPN) The RF - Modify IB LPN is used to modify the quantity and/or Putaway type of an Inbound LPN In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Modify IBLPN - rf.inbound.cwrfmodcase