Create LPN

LPNs can be created in WMS without the need of inbound shipment receipts. LPNs can also be created from current Active Inventory. This is used to move Inventory from an Active Location to another for any reason such as Damaged inventory or any other reason.

Reason Codes must be set up in order to Create LPNs from Active Inventory.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Reason Codes Reason Codes Note: Reason Codes are configured at the 3PL Parent Level
  1. Login at the 3PL Parent Level
  2. In the 'Reason Code' UI screen, add a code and description for each Inventory Reason Codes
  3. Enter the reason code type as 'Any
Quantity Entry Limit Set Up Company Parameters When entering a quantity while creating an LPN, there can be warning and error messages set up for quantity limits. Company Parameters can be set up: QTY_ENTRY_ERROR_LIMIT: This will prevent a user from proceeding with operations when the quantity is higher QTY_ENTRY_WARNING_LIMIT: This will display a warning message, and a user can accept or reject proceeding
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. In the 'Company Parameter' UI Module, search for parameters: QTY_ENTRY_ERROR_LIMIT QTY_ENTRY_WARNING_LIMIT:
  3. Set the quantity for each parameter
Create LPN Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcreatelpn (Create LPN) Refer to the RF Configuration Guide for more details on the parameters In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Create LPN - rf.inbound.cwrfcreatelpn
Create LPN from Active Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcreatelpnlocn (Create LPN Location) This RF Transaction will allow a user to create an LPN from Active Inventory. This allows the user to relocate the inventory from active to a new reserve or active or also lock the inventory for any particular reason. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Create LPN Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcreatelpnlocn