Immediate Cycle Count

The RF - Cycle Count Location is used to cycle count locations without the use of tasks. The location will be scanned with the cycle count RF Transaction to initiate the cycle count process. Inventory will then be scanned either at the LPN level or the SKU Content Level. Inventory adjustments will be made immediately.

  • LPN Level cycle count - For Resereve Locations Each LPN will be scanned. For Active, SKU Qty will be entered.
  • By SKU Count - For Resereve Locations a SKU Qty will be entered for each LPN scanned. For Active, SKU Qty will be entered.
  • By SKU Scan - For reserve and active locations, Each unit in the location will be scanned.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Cycle Count Reason Code Reason Codes & Company Parameters Note: Reason Codes are configured at the 3PL Parent Level
  1. At the 3PL Parent Level, in the 'Reason Codes' UI Module, create the reason code for cycle count if not yet configured (i.e. 'CC')
  2. Switch to the correct company level, and In 'Company Parameters' UI Screen, search for parameter: CYCLE_COUNT_REASON_CODE 3. Edit the value and enter the reason code created for cycle count.
Cycle Count Location RF Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn (Cycle Count Location) The RF - Cycle Count Location is used to cycle count locations without the use of tasks Cycle count can done at different content level: - By LPN Count - By SKU Count - By SKU Qty
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn
  2. In the details, edit parameter 'content-count' to select the level of cycle count: - No selection = LPN Level cycle count - By SKU Count = SKU Qty will be entered for each LPN - By SKU Scan = Each unit in a location will be scanned.
Cycle Count LPN RF Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountiblpn (Cycle Count LPN) The RF - Cycle Count LPN is used to cycle count specific LPNs without the use of tasks LPN Cycle count can done by: - SKU Qty - SKU Scan
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountiblpn
  2. In the details, edit parameter sku-scan-mode' to select the level of cycle count: - No selection = SKU Qty - By SKU Qty = SKU Qty will be entered for LPN - By SKU Scan = Each unit in a location will be scanned.