Delayed Cycle Count

Delayed cycle count works as follows:

  • Cycle count is done with the RF Cycle Count transactions
  • Inventory Adjustment records are created in the UI Screen 'Cycle Count Adjustment'
  • Adjustment records with discrepancies can be approved, rejected or cancelled
Note: When a record is cancelled, cycle count is cancelled (i.e. no inventory adjustment is made, and no cycle count task is created).
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Cycle Count Reason Code Reason Codes and Company Parameters
Note: Reason Codes are configured at the 3PL Parent Level
  1. At the 3PL Parent Level, In 'Reason Codes' UI Module, create the reason code for cycle count if not yet configured (i.e. 'CC')
  2. Switch to the correct company level, and in the 'Company Parameters' UI screen, search for parameter: CYCLE_COUNT_REASON_CODE
  3. Edit the value and enter the reason code created for cycle count
Cycle Count Adjustment Facility Parameters and Company Parameters The facility and company parameters 'INVN_ADJ_APPROVAL_REQUIRED' must be set to 'YES' for a specific client company. When this parameter is set to yes, inventory adjustment records are created after each cycle count for approval before adjustments are made to inventory. This allows the delayed cycle count.
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. In the 'Company Parameters' UI module and 'Facility Parameters' UI Module, search for parameter: INVN_ADJ_APPROVAL_REQUIRED
  3. Edit the value and enter value 'YES' or 'NO' based on requirement
Cycle Count Location RF - Content Count Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn (Cycle Count Location) The RF - Cycle Count Location is used to cycle count locations without the use of tasks Cycle count can done at different content level: - By LPN Count - By SKU Count - By SKU Qty
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add the module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn
  2. In the details, edit parameter 'content-count' to select the level of cycle count: - No selection = LPN Level cycle count - By SKU Count = SKU Qty will be entered for eacg LPN - By SKU Scan = Each unit in a location will be scanned.
Cycle Count Location RF - Approval Mode Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn (Cycle Count Location) The Approval mode can be set on the RF Transaction to either allow: - Auto Approval of Adjustments: Adjustement records are created, and discrepancies are auto approved if any after cycle count is done. Adjsutments are made to inventory. - Delayed Approval of Adjustments: Adjustment records are created, and adjustments are not made until records are approved by a user. Records can also be rejected.
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, select module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn
  2. In the details, edit parameter 'auto-approve-mode': - No selection = Yes - Yes = Adjustments are auto approved and inventory is updated - No = Adjustments require approval for inventory updates.
Cycle Count LPN RF - Content Count Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountiblpn (Cycle Count LPN The RF - Cycle Count LPN is used to cycle count specific LPNs without the use of tasks LPN Cycle count can done by: - SKU Qty - SKU Scan
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountiblpn
  2. In the details, edit parameter 'sku-scan-mode' to select the level of cycle count: - No selection = SKU Qty - By SKU Qty = SKU Qty will be entered for LPN - By SKU Scan = Each unit in a location will be scanned.
Cycle Count LPN RF - Approval Mode Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountiblpn (Cycle Count LPN The Approval mode can be set on the RF Transaction to either allow: - Auto Approval of Adjustments: Adjustement records are created, and discrepancies are auto approved if any after cycle count is done. Adjsutments are made to inventory. - Delayed Approval of Adjustments: Adjustment records are created, and adjustments are not made until records are approved by a user. Records can also be rejected.
  1. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, select module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn
  2. In the details, edit parameter 'auto-approve-mode': - No selection = Yes - Yes = Adjustments are auto approved and inventory is updated - No = Adjustments require approval for inventory updates.