Cycle Count Tasks

Cycle count tasks can be created based on item and location attributes. A cycle count wave template can be run to create cycle count tasks based on the configured conditions.

Tasks will be executed for cycle counts which can be either immediate or delayed based on the above configuration for immediate or delayed cycle count.

Note: Configuration for cycle count must be done for immediate or delayed cycle count.

Cycle Count Adjustment Records for Approval

Cycle Count Adjustment records can be allowed for approval or rejection after cycle count tasks are executed. Cycle count adjustements are created after cycle count and require approval before any update to inventory.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Cycle Count Adjustment Facility Parameters and Company Parameters The facility and company parameters 'INVN_ADJ_APPROVAL_REQUIRED' must be set to 'YES' for a specific client company. When this parameter is set to yes, inventory adjustment records are created after each cycle count for approval before adjustments are made to inventory. This allows the delayed cycle count.
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. In the 'Company Parameters' UI Module and 'Facility Parameters' UI Module, search for parameter: INVN_ADJ_APPROVAL_REQUIRED
  3. Edit the value and enter value 'YES' or 'NO' based on requirement

Cycle Count Task Type Setup (Optional)

Cycle Count Task types represent the types or methods of cycle count (i.e. Cycle count at the LPN level or the location contents level.) Cycle Count Task types are listed/defined in the UI Module 'Task Types'. Cycle Count Task types are linked to the 'Cycle Count' RF Module which can be configured for delayed cycle count approval.

Cycle Count Task Types are as follows:

  • - CC LOCATION: Task type for cycle count done by LPN Scan by default
  • - CC Location DTL: Task type for cycle count done at the location content level by default

The RF module in a task type details can be configured for approval mode. The auto approval mode must be configured accordingly to allow delayed cycle counts.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Cycle Count Location RF - Approval Mode Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocn (Cycle Count Location) The Approval mode can be set on the RF Transaction to either allow: - Auto Approval of Adjustments: Adjustement records are created, and discrepancies are auto approved if any after cycle count is done. Adjsutments are made to inventory. - Delayed Approval of Adjustments: Adjustment records are created, and adjustments are not made until records are approved by a user. Records can also be rejected.
  1. In 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Cycle Count Location - rf.inbound.cwrfcyclecountlocnIn or select module if it already exists. Rename module if needed.
  2. In the details, edit parameter 'auto-approve-mode': - No selection = Yes - Yes = Adjustments are auto approved and inventory is updated - No = Adjustments require approval for inventory updates
Cycle Count Task Type Set Up Task Types The cycle count RF Module configured with approval mode can be linked to the task types that will be used for cycle count tasks. These task types will then be used to create tasks with the required configuration.
  1. In 'Task Type' UI Module, access the details of the task type being configured (CC_Location or CC_Location_DTL)
  2. Select the RF Module and click on edit to select the previously configured Cycle count RF Module
  3. In the drop down select the cycle count RF Module created. (The RF Module will show up with the specific name configured for the transaction in previous step)
  4. Save changes

Cycle Count Task Template

The cycle count task template will specify the task types that need to be created for cycle count tasks based on specific criteria. When the cycle count template is run, cycle count tasks will be created for the configured conditions. The conditions can be set for item or location attributes (i.e. Cycle count tasks to be created for items with specific velocity or for locations in a specific area etc..)

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Create Cycle Task Template Task Creation
  1. Login at the correct company level. In 'Task Creation' UI Module create a new Cycle Count template by entering a template name or description then save the template
  2. Access the details to add task rules
Select Task Types Task Creation - Details Default Task Types: - CC LOCATION: Task type for cycle count done by LPN Scan by default - CC Location DTL: Task type for cycle count done at the location content level by default
  1. In 'Task Creation' UI Module, in task template details add task types that will be used
  2. Enter a sequence number for the order of task creation and select a task type from the task type drop down. Task types configured in above section will be visible in the drop down.
Set Up an Ordering Criteria Task Creation - Details Link - Ordering Criteria The ordering criteria will specify rules on how tasks are to be created (i.e. the sequence in which tasks will be created for cycle count based on location criteria)
  1. In the details, after adding task types in task template, select specific task type and access the 'Ordering Criteria'
  2. In 'Ordering Criteria' add a sequence number for the criteria
  3. Add criteria for task rules (the break by count is not allowed for cycle count)
Set Up a Selection Criteria Task Creation - Details Link - Ordering Criteria The Selection Criteria is to specify the criteria for which cycle count tasks need to be created. This can be used to specify: - Items with specific criteria i.e. Item with a specific velocity, specific item attributes - Location with specific criteria i.e. location with specific area code, level etc..
  1. In the details, after adding task types in task template, select specific task type and access the 'Selection Criteria'
  2. In 'Selection Criteria' select the sql operator for the folder (i.e. Use AND if one or multiple conditions need to be true - Use OR if one of multiple conditions need to be true for the task type)
  3. Click on 'Insert Basic Operation' to add condition(s) or click on 'Insert Complex Operation' to add a sub-folder of conditions
  4. After adding a condition, click on the appropriate folder to add more conditions or click Save to save to complete the setup