Cycle Count Triggers

Cycle Count Triggers can be configured to trigger cycle count tasks to be create automatically. For example, this can be used to trigger the creation of a cycle count task after a short pick (i.e. Inventory is allocated, but is not physically present in location and the picker performs a short pick.)

Triggers include the following:

  • Alternate Location for Putaway (i.e. User was directed to a specific location for putaway but location was full or not available for putway)
  • Short Pick Full LPN (i.e. LPN allocated is not present in the location directed by system)
  • Short Pick Partial LPN (i.e. Full Quantity allocated by system is not present in location)
  • Short Pick Active (i.e. Units allocated from active location are not present in location)
  • De-allocate IBLPN from UI
  • Set Location 'To be counted' flag from location screen (i.e. Location is manually set for cycle count)
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Add Cycle Count Trigger Cycle Count Trigger Management Cycle count triggers will be displayed in the UI screen 'Cycle Count Trigger Management' Triggers needed will be copied and created for the specific client company
  1. Login at the specific client company level
  2. In 'Cycle Count Trigger Management' UI Module, copy trigger needed and click on the 'enabled' flag
Select Task Type Cycle Count Trigger Management Default Task Types: - CC LOCATION: Task type for cycle count done by LPN Scan by default - CC Location DTL: Task type for cycle count done at the location content level by default
  1. In the 'Cycle Count Trigger Management' UI Module, select task type from drop down list
  2. The Default task type can be selected as well as created and configured task types in previous section