Inbound Sorting Operations

Inbound Sorting After Receipt

The Inbound Sorting functionality will provide the ability to sort inventory received to facilitate putaway using a pallet with multiple SKUs going to different locations. Inventory will be sorted/grouped based on the specified sorting criteria for a sorting zone. Multiple sorting zones can be configured with different criteria.

Inbound sorting will first call the directed putaway logic to find the destination location of an LPN. Then the sorting process will be done based on the destination location. For each sorting zones pallets will be created based on the specified criteria.

For example: If a sorting zone's criteria is the destination area, then LPNs will be sorted by Pallets depending on their destination location area based on putaway.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Drop Locations Location Master Drop Locations will be used for the sorting process. Drop locations are required and will be linked to Sorting Zone.
  1. In Location Master, add Consolidation Locations with Location Type = P
  2. Required fields are: 'Area', 'aisle', 'bay', 'level', and 'barcode'.
Sorting Zones and Criteria Inbound Sorting The IB Sorting criteria by zone will include: - aisle - alloc_zone - area - location-size-type Sorting by pallet can be done based any of these criteria for LPNs destination location based on putaway logic.
  1. Login at the specific client company level
  2. In the 'Inbound Sorting' UI Module, add a new sorting zone and select the sorting criteria for that sorting zone
Drop Locations - Sorting Zone Association Inbound Sorting After creating the sorting zones, drop locations will be linked to sorting zones.
  1. Select the sorting - criteria record and access the details
  2. Add all drop locations associated to the sorting zone
Set Up RF 'Inbound Sorting' Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfibsortlpn (RF IB Sorting)
Note: This may have already been configured in the 'Menu Configuration' section.
In 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: RF IB Sorting - rf.inbound.cwrfibsortlpn