Sorting and Receiving Operations

Sorting While Receiving

To support the Direct to Consumer business, the Sort and Receive option helps the Warehouse sorting inventory into respective Inbound LPNs based on configurable rules. The Sort and Receive option allows you to scan each unit of the ASN and determine how to sort the item based on Rules Configured.

With this functionality you first sort the Inventory and then receive the Inventory to different Totes/LPNs simultaneously. You are directed to sort inventory into a specific tote/LPN. You also get the opportunity to mark the item being received as Damaged.

This functionality is for SKU Level ASN (i.e. Blind Receiving - LPN numbers are not sent on the ASN.) Inventory will be directed to Totes/LPN with matching criteria. When there is no matching criteria, you can enter a new LPN/Tote.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Receiving Station - Locations Location Master Receiving stations are used receive and sort items into totes.
  1. In Location Master, add Receiving Station Locations with Location Type = T
  2. Enter Values for fields 'Area', 'aisle', 'bay', 'level', and 'barcode'.
Set Up RF 'Sort and Receive' Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfsortandrecv (RF Sort and Receive) Note: This may have already been configured in the 'Menu Configuration' Section See RF Parameter Guide for more details. Parameters include: - scan-shipment-load: This can be set to scan the Load Nbr or the Shipment Number during receiving
  1. In 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add/search module: RF Sort and Receive - rf.inbound.cwrfsortandrecv
  2. Select and edit parameter 'scan-shipment-load' to: - scan shipment or - scan load The default is shipment
Set Up Sort and Receive Rules Break Rules for Tote/LPNs (Not required for sorting) Sort Receive Configuration (SortReceiveHdrView) Link - Break rules Inventory will be sorted into totes/LPNs. Sort Break Rules specify the break values for closing the Totes. Totes/LPNs will have capacity in terms of weight/volume or number of units. If associated break criteria value is reached, user will be prompted to end the tote. Criteria: - weight - volume - total qty - number of SKUs - number of different LPN_cust_fields allowed
  1. In 'Sort and Receive' UI Module, access the link 'Break Rules'
  2. Add a new break rule, enter a name and description
  3. Select a criteria to break the container and enter the max value
Set Up Sort and Receive Rules Select Receiving station Sort Receive Configuration (SortReceiveHdrView) For every Receiving Station, WMS allows configuring a sort criteria for sorting. If Sort & Receive Rules are not configured, the sorting process becomes user directed.
  1. In 'Sort and Receive' UI Module
  2. Select a receiving station from drop down
Set Up Sort and Receive Rules Select Sorting Criteria Sort Receive Configuration (SortReceiveHdrView) Two sorting criteria can be specified. Only the first criteria is required. The first criteria will be used to find a match for sorting inventory. If no match is found, the second criteria will be used. Criteria options are: -
  • lpn_lock_code
  • batch_number
  • inv_attr_a - inv_attr_b - inv_attr_c
  1. In 'Sort and Receive' UI Module
  2. Select fist criteria and select second if needed
Set Up Sort and Receive Rules Select Condition Sort Receive Configuration (SortReceiveHdrView) The condition options: - NON EMPTY FIRST: Sorting will be done by matching value of criteria
  1. If there is no match, sorting will be done by matching value in criteria
  2. MATCH ALL: Sorting will be done by matching values of both criteria. - MATCH EITHER: Sorting will be done by matching values for either criteria.
  1. In 'Sort and Receive' UI Module
  2. Select option needed for condition
Set Up Sort and Receive Rules Select Close LPN Location Sort Receive Configuration (SortReceiveHdrView) The close LPN Location will be used to automatically locate the LPN to a storage/reserve location after sorting and receiving. When the Close LPN Location is populated, the LPN/Tote closed will be updated to located status with current location specified in the field.
  1. In 'Sort and Receive' UI Module
  2. Select a reserve location in 'Close LPN Location'
Set Up Assets Sort Receive Configuration (SortReceiveHdrView) The Sort & Receive Functionality can be used with Reusable Totes/Assets. The facility parameter REUSABLE_TOTES can be set up as 'Yes' to reuse those assets.
  1. In 'Facility Parameter' UI Module, search for parameter REUSABLE_TOTES
  2. Edit parameter and set value to 'YES' or 'NO'