Receiving Operations Setup

Purchase Orders Requirements Setup

There is currently no configuration required to set up Purchase Orders.

  • If Purchase Orders will be used for the flow, the Purchase Orders will have to be created prior to the Inbound shipments.
  • - Purchase Orders can be created through Interface Integration, Manual Interface Upload, or Manual UI Entry

Inbound Shipments Requirements Setup

Inbound shipments can be created with or without Purchase Orders.

  • Inbound shipments can be created through Interface Integration, Manual Interface Upload, or Manual Entry
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Shipment Types Set Up Shipment Types Over receipt and under receipt of inventory will be allowed on a shipment based on the shipment type specified on the shipment header. Over receipt warning %: % of received qty for which the system needs to display a warning message. The user will be able to accept or reject receiving. Over receipt error: % of received qty for which the system will prevent the user from over receiving Under receipt warning: % of received qty for which the system will display a warning message when the shipment is being verified. The user will decided whether to proceed with verification
  1. In the 'Shipment Types' UI Screen, enter a shipment type code and description
  2. Enter a % value for Over receipt warning, error and under receipt warning ex: If over receipt warning = 10% and shipped qty = 100, a warning will be displayed for any received qty > 110
  3. Select a validation type PO vs ASN vs both to compare shipped vs. received qty

Inbound Loads and Appointments

An Inbound Loads will be created for each Inbound Shipment. Inbound Loads can be used to ckeck in shipments at docks for receiving. Appointments can also be used to to schedule and manage receiving of shipments. This will also allow checking in loads to docks for receiving.

When shipments are checked in to docks, LPNs received will automatically be located at the dock location. This will give better visibility of LPNs in the WMS.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Dock and Dock Types Set Up*Also see 'Locations' Section in Master Configuration
  1. Locations
  2. Dock Types
  3. Docks
Dock are required to be set up if inbound loads will be checked in at docks for receiving. 1. A dock location must be set up 2. Dock types (Inbound/Outbound) is required 3. Dock doors will be set up and linked to dock locations
  1. In 'Location Master' UI Module, add locations with type 'Dock'
  2. In 'Dock Types' UI Module, add dock type (i.e. Inbound and/or outbound)
  3. In 'Docks' UI Module add dock door numbers and link the dock doors to dock locations

RF Receiving

RF Receiving can also be set up to specify the UOM at which inventory will be receive, as well as whether cases received will be palletized.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up UOM Receiving Level Screen Configuration UI: RF Modules: rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt (Receive Shipment) rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload (Receive Load) Unit of Measures: - Units - Packs - Cases Default = Units
  1. Login at specific company level
  2. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module: Search for the Receiving Transactions that will be used in the user menu
  3. Select the Transaction record and in the details, set RF parameter 'qty-uom' to the desired UOM
Set Up Pallet Receiving Flow Screen Configuration UI: RF Modules: rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt (Receive Shipment) rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload (Receive Load) Available Options for Receiving Pallets: - Palletize up front: LPNs are palletized as receiving is being done onto the same pallet. - Palletize after receiving: Pallet is prompted for each LPN after receiving - LPN as Pallet: Full LPNs will be received as pallets
  1. Login at specific company level
  2. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module: Search for the Receiving Transactions that will be used in the user menu
  3. Select the Transaction record and in the details, set RF parameter 'pallet-handling' to the correct value
Set Up Additional Receiving Parameters Screen Configuration UI: RF Modules: rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt (Receive Shipment) rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload (Receive Load) Refer to RF Parameter Document - Receiving Tab Available Options include: - Assume Single SKU per LPN - Capture Inventory Attribute - Capture batch, expiry, serial etc…

Shipment Verification

Shipment Verification will be used in UI to generate a Receipt Confirmation File. Once receiving is done, inbound shipment can be verified in UI. Required fields for verification can be set up if needed. Users will not be able to verify shipments if any required values are missing on the shipment header.

(i.e. This can be used to restrict verifying shipments without specific reference numbers.)

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up required information for verifying shipments Company Parameter UI Module This is for the WMS standard interface.
  1. In 'Company Parameters' UI Screen, search for parameter: IBSHIPMENT_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED_FIELDS
  2. Enter Inbound Shipments Fields that require values to be populated before verification