Pre-Receiving Operations

Quality Control (QC) Setup

The WMS QC functionality will allow marking for QC a number of LPNs per load on a Vendor.

Note: LPNs rejected during QC will not be elligible for receiving.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Vendor QC Set Up Vendor QC UI Module The vendor QC functionality will allow setting specific vendors that require QC Processes. LPNs will be selected for QC during receiving.
  1. Login at the specific client company level
  2. In the 'Vendor QC' UI Module, add the vendor QC by searching or entering the specific vendor code
  3. In 'Count or Percentage' field enter: - U for QC Count as Units - P for QC Count as a % of the shipment
  4. In the 'QC Per Load SKU' field enter the QC value for the Count specified. (i.e. Quantity of Units or Value of percentage)
Vendor Performance Report Screen Configuration UI Module: Vendor Performance Report UI The vendor performance report functionality record the QC data per vendor. This UI will show the Vendor performance report only if there is a PO attached and after ASN has been verified.
Vendor Performance Code Screen Configuration UI Module:Vendor Performance Code UI The vendor performance code UI lets you create Vendor performance code and description
  1. Login at specific client company level
  2. In the Vendor Performance UI Module, add the vendor performance code and description. This code is asked in QC RF transactions
Parameter Set Up for QC Check Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Modules: rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt (Receive Shipment) rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload (Receive Load) RF Transaction that will be used for receiving will need to have the parameter for QC set up. Note: If QC is required for all received inventory, then all RF Receiving Transactions need to have the QC Parameter set up properly. An additional transaction can be set up without the QC configuration to allow the QC process to be occasionally skipped.
  1. Login at specific company level (based on whether the RF Transaction is set up in a SuperUser or Child User menu)
  2. In the 'Screen Configuration' UI Module: Search for the Receiving Transactions that will be used in the user menu
  3. Select the Transaction record and in the details, set RF parameter 'qc-handling-mode' to either 'None' ,'Mark for QC prompt QC locn' , 'Mark for QC do not prompt QC locn'
QC Locations Set Up Location Master QC Locations must be set up for QC operations. During receiving, Inventory marked for QC will be located to a QC Location.
  1. In Location Master, add QC Locations with Location Type = Q
  2. Enter Values for fields 'Area', 'aisle', 'bay', 'level', and 'barcode'.

Value Added Services Setup

The WMS VAS Functionality will allow marking LPNs for VAS during the receiving process. The VAS Requirements can be set up as follows:

  • SKU Level (All LPNs with the specific SKU will be marked for VAS during receiving)
  • Vendor Level (LPNs with the specific SKU will be marked for VAS if their shipment is linked to a vendor set up for VAS). Note: Vendors require Purchase Orders (POs) to be used.
  1. A WMS Activity will be set up for each VAS Activity required for inventory being received (i.e. Ironing, repacking, etc...)
  2. The VAS Groups define the different groups of VAS Activities. The VAS Group will have one or more VAS Activities based on group requirement.

For example, VAS Group 'Clothes-Flats' will have activities: (such as 'Ironing', 'Scensors', and 'Price Labels)

VAS Groups will be set up either at the SKU or Vendor Level depending of the Group's requirements.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Work Area Set Up Work Area Work Areas are required to be set up to allow VAS activities In 'Work Areas' UI Module, add work areas by entering a work are code and name
VAS Activities Set Up Activities All different VAS Activities that will be used in operations will have to be set up The UOM (Unit of measure) at which the VAS Activities will be performed will be specify. This can be (Units, Packs, Cases, LPNs).
  1. In 'Activities' UI Module, add Activities by entering an activity code and Name (description)
  2. Select Activity Type = VAS
  3. Select Work Area for this group of VAS Activities
  4. Select UOM at which VAS Activities will be performed
  5. Optional: Select History Activity for Fee/Charge information
VAS Groups Assignment to Items *Also see Master Configuration for Item Master Item Master The VAS Group can be used for each group of items requiring similar VAS Activities. The VAS Group will specify the list of VAS Activities to be done for that group. Once VAS Groups are identified, they need to be configured and assigned to items Note: This step may have be done in Item Master Set Up In 'Item Master' add VAS Group Code to items *This can be done with the Item Interface Template or also with a Manual UI Entry in the 'Items' UI Module
Option 1. VAS Groups Set Up at Vendor Level Company VAS Option 1 - Vendor Level - VAS Group Code linked to a Vendor. This can be used for items requiring VAS only for a specific vendor or vendors Items with a VAS Group set up at vendor level will only be marked for VAS if the shipment is linked to the specific vendor
  1. In 'Company VAS' UI Module, add VAS Group Code for one or more VAS Activities. In 'Company' field, search or enter the vendor
  2. Enter a sequence number and select the first VAS Activity to be added to the group
  3. For additional VAS Activities in the same group, enter a new sequence and select the next VAS Activity
  4. Repeat above steps if the VAS Group needs to be configured for other vendors
Option 2. VAS Groups Set Up at SKU Level Company VAS Option 2 - SKU Level This can be used for items always requiring VAS regardless of vendors Items with VAS Group set up at SKU Level will always be marked for VAS during receiving
  1. In 'Company VAS' UI Module, add VAS Group Code for one or more VAS Activities. In 'Company' field, search or enter the Client Company.
  2. Enter a sequence number and select the first VAS Activity to be added to the group
  3. For additional VAS Activities in the same group, enter a new sequence and select the next VAS Activity
  4. Repeat above steps if the VAS Group needs to be configured for other vendors
VAS Exception Set Up Exception VAS VAS Requirements can be overwritten with VAS Exceptions. VAS Exceptions will be set up for a specific Shipment Number and Item. VAS Exceptions will specify which activities need to be for a specific (shipment, item) combination
  1. In 'VAS Exception' UI Module, add exception by entering: - Inbound Shipment Number and Item Number
  2. Enter a sequence number
  3. Select the VAS Activity and specify in the 'VAS Reqd type' if the VAS Activity will be required.
VAS Locations Set Up Location Master VAS Locations must be set up for VAS operations. During receiving, Inventory marked for VAS will be located to a VAS Location.
  1. In Location Master, add QC Locations with Location Type = V
  2. Enter Values for fields 'Area', 'aisle', 'bay', 'level', and 'barcode'.

Item Fields Pre-Receiving Setup

Item fields can be required to be populated prior to receiving. When required item fields are set up, WMS will prevent receiving when the fields are not populated for the Item being received. Receiving will be allowed once the fields are updated/populated.

This is done at the facility level. This configuration applies to all companies within a facility.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Required Item Fields Required Item Fields In 'Required Item Fields' UI Module, add the field names that are required to be populated for receiving inventory