Order Types

Oder Types distinguish the different types of orders that will be received in WMS. Order Types specify if an order will be a ship to facility/store, flowthrough, if the order will allow partial allocation, and short pick options.

Order Types will also be linked to wave templates to allow allocation restrictions to specific order types.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Order Types Order Types Order Type Codes will be specified on the order interface that will be loaded to WMS as well as any order created manually. 1. Login at the speific client company level 2. In 'Order Types' UI Module, add order types: Enter an order type code and a description
Set Up Parameters on Order Types Order Types Parameters for order types: - Facility Flag: When checked, orders will specify a destination/ship to facility that is defined in the facility/store master. When unchecked, orders will be customer orders. - Flowthrough flag: When checked, inventory can be cross-docked for outbound orders without pre-allocation - Partial Allocation: When checked, orders can be partly allocated. When unchecked, orders that can't be fully allocated will not be allocated at all. 1. In 'Order Types' UI Module, if needed check flags based on functionality: - Facility Flag - Flowthourgh Flag - Partial Allocation
Set Up Parameter for Short Pick Options Order Types Short pick Parameter for order types: - Only deallocate on short: When checked: If an order is short picked by a user, the order detail short picked will be deallocated by the quantity short picked. The order detail can then be re-waved later When unchecked: If an order is shor picked by a user, the order detail short picked will be deleted by the quantity short picked. 1. In 'Order Types' UI Module, if needed check the short pick parameter based on functionality: - Only Deallocate on Short