Set Up Facilities and Companies

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Ship To Facilities Facilities Facilities will need to be set up if orders will be shipped to DCs and Stores that can be pre-defined in WMS. They will also be required for the Distribution-To-Store flow.
  1. In the 'Facilities' UI screen add store master with type = store for each store Note: 'Input Interface' UI screen can be used to upload store master template.
  2. When creating stores, a default ship via can be specified for each store if needed.
Set Up Destination Companies Ship To Companies Ship To Companies are not required to be set up. Ship To Companies are mostly used to configure custom/compliant documents and labels based on the ship to company.
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. Add ship To company codes and description
  3. Add additional information if needed
Set Up Ship Vias Ship Via Ship Vias are not required to be set up to create orders. Ship Vias will require Carriers to be set up. Refer to Master Configuration section for more details.
  1. In the 'Ship Via' UI Screen, add all ship vias for services levels that will be used
  2. Select the corresponding Carrier to be linked to the ship via
  3. For all Parcel Services, a standard service type must be chosen