Set Up Location Size Types

Note: The following might have already been configured with the location master.
Location Size Types are used to specify a group of locations that will be used for specific Item's Putaway Types. (i.e. Group of locations separated by Item's Division, or even group of location by levels for specific Item velocity.) Both Reserve and Active locations can be set up for putaway. Active locations that have replenishment zones set up can be used for putaway priority.
  • Reserve Locations will have 'Location Size Types'
  • -Active Locations will have 'Replenishment Zones
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Reserve Locations Set Up Location Size Types for Putaway to Reserve Location Size Types Location Size Types = Group of locations or location area used for specific item's characteristics In the Location Size Types UI Module, set up all different Location size Types that will be used to group locations by area for putaway. Enter the location size type code and a description.
Reserve Locations Add Location Size Types to Locations Location Master Note: This may have been already configured in the 'Location Master' Section Add Location Size Types to Location Master. In Location Master, each location will have a putaway size type
Active Set Up Replenishment zones for Putaway to Reserve Replenishment Zones Replenishment Zones are required to be set up to allow putaway to Active In the Replenishment Zones UI Module, set up all different Location size Types that will be used to group locations by area for putaway/replenishment in active Enter a Replenishment zone code and a description
Active Add Replenishment zones to Locations Location Master
Note: This may have been already configured in the 'Location Master' section.
Add Replenishment Zones to Location Master. In Location Master, each active location will have a replenishment zone