Set Up Putaway Priority

The putaway priority will be used to link by sequence Item's putaway types to locations size types.

For Example:

  1. Putaway Type A - Location Size Type A
  2. Putaway Type A - Location Size Type B

In the above scenario, the system will first try to find an available location with Location Size Type A. A putaway method (location sequence or radial can be specified) for each putaway sequence priority.

  • Location Sequence: Putaway logic is based off location putaway sequence
  • Radial: Putaway Logic is based off items' assigned location. Putaway logic will build up inventory around the item's assigned location. A putaway search mode can also be specified for each putaway sequence priority within the location size type. (i.e. Empty location, least empty locations....)
  • Consider FEFO Flag: Putaway will to a location will be restricted for inventory older or with same expiration date as the inventory currently in the location for the item being putaway.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Putaway Priority for Reserve Locations based on Putaway Sequence Putaway Priority View Putaway Method Location Sequence: Putaway logic will follow location putaway sequence set up in location master. This require all locations to have a putaway sequence.
  1. In the 'Putaway Priotity View' UI Screen add putaway priority: Select a putaway type, enter a prioriy for the putaway sequence and choose location type = 'Reserve'
  2. Select the 'location size type' to be linked to the putaway type for the prirority chosen
  3. Select Putaway Method = Location Sequence
  4. Select a Putaway Search Mode
  5. Check 'Consider FEFO Flag' if needed for flow
Set Up Putaway Priority for Reserve Locations by Radial method Putaway Priority View Putaway Method Radial: Putaway logic is to first find the item's assigned/picking location within location size type. Putaway logic will use the picking location as a pivot to build inventory around the location by finding first empty location within specified bay “radius” and “increment” values.
  1. In the 'Putaway Priotity View' UI Screen add putaway priority: Select a putaway type, enter a prioriy for the putaway sequence and choose location type = 'Reserve'
  2. Select the 'location size type' to be linked to the putaway type for the prirority chosen
  3. Select Putaway Method = Radial
  4. Enter a bay radius and a radial increment value
  5. Select a Putaway Search Mode
  6. Check 'Consider FEFO Flag' if needed for
Set Up Putaway Priority for Active Locations based on Putaway Sequence Putaway Priority View Putaway Method Location Sequence: Putaway logic will follow location putaway sequence set up in location master. This require all locations to have a putaway sequence.
  1. In the 'Putaway Priotity View' UI Screen add putaway priority: Select a putaway type, enter a prioriy for the putaway sequence and choose location type = 'Active'
  2. Select the 'Replenishment Zone' to be linked to the putaway type for the prirority chosen
  3. Select Putaway Method = Location Sequence
  4. Select a Putaway Search Mode 5.Check 'Consider FEFO Flag' if needed for flow
Set Up Putaway Priority for Active Locations by Radial method Putaway Priority View Putaway Method Radial: Putaway logic is to first find the item's assigned/picking location within location size type. Putaway logic will use the picking location as a pivot to build inventory around the location by finding first empty location within specified bay “radius” and “increment” values.
  1. In the 'Putaway Priotity View' UI Screen add putaway priority: Select a putaway type, enter a prioriy for the putaway sequence and choose location type = 'Active'
  2. Select the 'replenishment zone' to be linked to the putaway type for the prirority chosen
  3. Select Putaway Method = Radial
  4. Enter a bay radius and a radial increment value
  5. Select a Putaway Search Mode
  6. Check 'Consider FEFO Flag' if needed for flow