Set Up Putaway Rules

Putaway Rules can be used to calculate an LPN's putaway type at receiving. The calculated putaway type (final putaway) will be used for the putaway logic. The final putaway type overwrittes the item's putaway type set up in item master.

Multiple Item Attributes can calculate the final putaway. For example:

If Item Velocity = A AND Item cost > 1000 THEN Final Putaway Type = PUTAWAY_A)

Items attributes can be updated at any time. Final Putaway Type will be calculed for each LPN at receiving or during cartonizing process.
Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set Up Putaway Rules Putaway Rules Final Putaway Types can be calculated based on multiple attributes for an item
  1. In the 'Putaway Rules' UI screen add new putaway rule: enter a priority, description and select the Putaway Type for which the rule is being created
  2. Select the record created and under 'Selection Criteria - Select an sql operator for the folder (i.e. Use AND if multiple conditions need to be true for this putaway type)
  3. Insert a Basic or Complex Operation.