Set Up Store Daily Capacity

The Facility Daily Capacity functionality will offer the option to configure the Daily Capacity Limit per destination facility where the Destination facility can be a store or a facility. Users can configure the capacity limit for each store or destination facility through UI or as an upload option.

When the daily limits are configured for a store, WMS will only allocate a daily total up to the value specified for each store.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Set up Daily Capacity by Facility Wave Template The Capacity will limit order allocation for a destination facility/store. - Max units/Weight/Volume/Orders: Total value of specified criteria that can be allocated for a wave run - % Tolerance: A tolerance percentage for the max values set that will allow allocating up to the specified % - Capacity multiplier: Values as follow: 0 = Turn off the capacity check temporarily 1 = Default 2 = Double the capacity limits
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. in 'Destination Facility Attributes' UI Module, or using the interface 'DEST_FACILITY_ATTRIBUTES_INTERFACE' add a capacity check for a store
  3. Enter/Select the destination facility/store
  4. Enter values for max unit/weight/volume/order and % Tolerance
  5. Select a capacity multiplier
Add the Daily Capacity View UI Module Daily Capacity View The UI Module 'Daily Capacity View' displays the running count of the capacity utilized for a store/destination facility.
  1. Add UI Screen to menu