Set Up Wave Template

The Wave Template will link:
  1. An allocation method
  2. The allocation mode
  3. The wave search
  4. The task creation template all into a template to be run for allocation and task creation. The wave template will be run to allocate inventory and to create tasks based on the rules.
In addition, the wave template will specify:
  1. A cubing mode
  2. The cubing rule
  3. OBLPN Type if the allocation mode linked is set up for cubed allocation.

Complete the following steps to set up the wave template in the UI Module: 'Wave Template'.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Create a Wave Template & Select an Allocation Method Wave Template Allocation methods: - 'First in First Out' & 'Last in First Out': Based on the 'Received Timestamp' - 'First Expiry First Out' & 'Last Expirt First Out': Based on the 'expiry date' if present; if not present based on the 'received timestamp' - 'Quantity Ascending' & 'Quantity Descending': Based on LPN quantity - 'Location Sequence Ascending' & 'Location Sequence Descending': Based on the location pick sequence
  1. Login at the correct company level
  2. in the 'Wave Template' UI Module, Add a new wave template - enter a template name
  3. Select an allocation method
Select an Allocation Mode Wave Template The allocation modes need to be configured prior to setting up the wave template
  1. In the 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the allocation mode from the drop down 'Allocation mode'
Reuse LPN Nbr Flag Wave Template The 'Reuse LPN' Flag is checked if the same LPN Nbr on an inbound container will be used as the LPN Nbr on the outbound container. This is mostly used for Full LPN picks scenario where the Inbound Container is a shippable container.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, check the 'Reuse LPN' Flag if needed
Select a Wave Search Wave Template The wave search need to be configured prior to setting up the wave template
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the wave search from the drop- down menu 'Wave search'
Set Up Location Size Type (Optional) Wave Template The location size type specified will restrict allocation to locations with the specific size type specified.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the wave search from the drop- down menu 'Wave search'
Select a Task Creation Template Wave Template The task template need to be configured prior to setting up the wave template
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the location size type from the drop-down menu 'Location Size Type'
Select a Routing Mode Wave Template Routing Modes are not required:
  1. MODE_1: This is used if parcel & LTL ship vias will be assigned to containers based on stores and routes. This assignment will be done at the wave. This is used for stores.
  2. MODE_2: This is used to determine the parcel or LTL ship via based the ship via on the order or the default ship via set for a ship to facility. When a routing mode is set, communication to Web services for parcel shipments will be done.
  3. None: If ship via does not need to be determine at wave and if communication to web services for parcel shipment is not required at the wave.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select Routing Mode from drop-down menu 'Routing Mode'.
Select a Cubing Mode (Only required for cubing) Wave Template A Cubing mode option will be selected if the wave template is set up for cubing. Cubing Mode Options: - NONE: If cubing will not be used for the wave - Use predetermined OBLPN Type: The OBLPN Type (container size) selected to create containers will be from the wave/order or item. Outbound containers will be created at the wave. - Calculate OBLPN Type and cube with wave:

The OBLPN Type selected to create containers will be calculated at the wave based on inventory dimensions. Outbound containers will be created at the wave. - Calculate OBLPN Type at packing: The OBLPN Type selected to create containers will be calculated at packing based on inventory dimensions. This is used when picking will be done with a temporary LPN/Tote and repacking into the final calculated containers.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the cubing mode from the drop- down menu 'Cubing Mode'
Select an OBLPN Type (Only required for cubing) Wave Template The OBLPN Type(s) need to be configured prior to setting up the wave template When the cubing mode is set to 'Use predetermined OBLPN Type':

The OBLPN Type can be specified at the wave. In this case this OBLPN Type will be used for cubing all outbound containers. This can be used if a general OBLPN Type will be used for packing in case container sizes are not known.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the OBLPN Type from the drop- down menu 'OBLPN Type'
Select a cubing Rule (Only required for cubing) Wave Template The OBLPN Type(s) need to be configured prior to setting up the wave template.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the cubing rule from the drop- down menu 'Cubing Rule'
Select a Column Ordering (Optional) Wave Template The column ordering will be used to set the sequence in which container/shipping labels will be printed from the wave. When the column ordering is specified on the wave template, labels will be printed automatically after the wave is run.
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Select the column ordering from the drop- down menu 'Column Ordering'
Set Wave Capacity (Optional) Wave Template Wave Capacity will limit allocation to orders based on specified capacity. - Max units/Weight/Volume/Orders: Total value of specified criteria that can be allocated for a wave run - % Tolerance: A tolerance percentage for the max values set that will allow allocating up to the specified % - Destination Capacity Check: When checked wave capacity will be based on the limits set up by store in the 'Destination Facility Attributes' UI Module
  1. In 'Wave Template' UI module, Enter values for any of the needed option: - Max Units, Weight, Volume, Orders, Tolerance %
  2. Check the 'Destination Capacity Check' flag if needed (if capacity are set up for destination facilities/stores)
Auto Release MHE Message Flag Wave Template The 'Auto Release MHE Message flag' is checked when communication/messages to MHE System will be done when a wave is run.
  1. In the 'Wave Template' UI module, check the 'Auto Release MHE Message' flag if needed