Create LPN

URL: ""

Initial WMS Version: 7.0.1


API to create a single SKU IBLPN and associated inventory.

Can also be used to cross-dock the IBLPN to an OBLPN for a given destination facility.


  1. The inventory is created out of thin air - it is not taken from some location in thewarehouse
  2. The container created is an IBLPN
  3. If cross-dock mode then final container will be an OBLPN of same number
  4. Appropriate inventory history records arewritten
  5. Inventory attributes are not currently withinscope
Parameter Description Initial Supported Version Required Data Type Default
lpn_nbr - X string
qty - X integer
company_code WMS company code - string User's default context

Parameter Description Initial Supported Version Required Data Type Default
facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context
item_barcode - C string ""
item_alternate_code - C string ""
batch_number - C string ""
expiry_date YYYYMMDD - C date ""
xdock_lpn_flg Create container then cross-dock? - boolean True
order_type Cross-dock only: xdock order type - C string ""
dest_facility_code Cross-dock only: xdock destination facility - C string ""
drop_locn_barcode Cross-dock only: Location of final OBLPN - string ""
lpn_weight Created IBLPN's weight - decimal ""
lock_code If provided, container will be given lock once created or cross- docked - string ""

Additional Notes

  • item_barcode or item_alternate_code must be provided. If both are given, item_barcode is evaluated first.
  • When xdock_lpn_flg is True:
    • order_type is required
    • dest_facility_code is required
  • drop_locn_barcode is of type DROP or STAGING
  • If the item characteristics require batch number, then batch_number is required
  • If the item metrics require an expiration date, then expiry_date is required, except if you've provided an existing batch number that already has an expiry date. The expiry of an existing batch is preserved, even if expiry_date is given.
  • expiry_date is in the format YYYYMMDD
  • expiry_date cannot be in the past
  • Since version 9.0.0, the company parameter max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following quantity fields: qty
  • Since version 9.0.0, the company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following weight fields: lpn_weigh