Update Output Interface

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/update_output_interface/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


API for external systems to update an output interface record.

This is typically used for external systems to communicate failure and an error message so that it's visible to user in the UI.

Also allows triggering resend of an existing file.

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
filename Output filename X string
facility_code Output record's facility User's default facility string
company_code Output record's company User's default company string
interface_type_code Interface type "" string
cust_intf_code Custom interface identifier "" string
status_id Desired status of output record C integer
message Message of output record C "" string
run_output_interface_flg Trigger file resend flag False boolean
  • status_id, message, or both are required
  • company_code, facility_code, interface_type_code, and cust_intf_code are used to identify a unique record
  • Valid statuses: Ready (10), Processed (90), Failed (99), Cancelled (101)
  • If the status is set to Read (10) and no message is provided, any existing message is cleared
  • run_output_interface_flg is only valid for records in status Ready (10)
  • This mimics the same functionality as pressing the "Resend" button in Output Interface UI