Induct LPN

URL: ""

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


Gives the ability for automated systems (MHE) to induct an LPN to a Drop location tied to an MHE conveyor system.

This will trigger the MHE Route Config rules to generate an appropriate Route Instruction message in Output Interface.

The logic mimics that of RF Induct LPN transaction.

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
Note: Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.

Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type
facility_code Container's facility string
company_code Container's company string
lpn_nbr Container to be inducted X string
induct_location Barcode of induction location X string
  • Flat (pipe-delimited) data is valid when using flat_data input argument
  • Data must follow the order specified above in the format: facility_code|company_code|lpn_nbr|induct_location
  • Multiple containers are separated by a new line
  • XML data is valid when use xml_data input argument
  • The "Header" section may be omitted - it is not used at this time
  • If facility_code and/or company_code are not provided, the requesting user's default context is used
  • The user must be eligible for all facility/company combinations
  • The LPN can be Inbound or Outbound
  • The induct_location must be of type DROP with an MHE Conveyor system configured
  • The base induction logic is used (same as RF Induct LPN):
  • An MHE Message must be active for "LPN ROUTE" for the MHE system
  • Valid container statuses for induct are controlled via Facility Parm "ALLOWED_LPN_STATUSES_TO_MHE_INDUCT"
Example XML