Divert Confirm

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/divert_confirm/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


Gives the ability for automated systems (MHE) to confirm that an LPN was diverted or located.

This will trigger the update of the LPN's location as well as possibly completing any putaway allocations.

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
Note: Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.

Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type
facility_code Container's facility string
company_code Container's company string
mhe_system_code MHE system code that did the divert X string
lpn_nbr Container that was diverted/putaway X string
divert_lane The divert lane pushed down C string
dest_locn_brcd Barcode of specific location C String
pallet_nbr Pallet that was diverted/putaway - String
  • Flat (pipe-delimited) data is valid when using flat_data input argument
  • Data must follow the order specified above in the format: facility_code|company_code|mhe_system_code|lpn_nbr|divert_lane|dest_locn_brcd
  • Multiple containers are separated by a new line
  • XML data is valid when use xml_data input argument

    See exmaple below:

    The "Header" section may be omitted - it is not used at this time
  • If facility_code and/or company_code are not provided, the requesting user's default context is used
  • The user must be eligible for all facility/company combinations
  • The LPN can be Inbound or Outbound
  • divert_lane or dest_locn_brcd must be provided
  • When divert_lane is provided:
  • System will locate LPN to Drop location in the given facility with the corresponding divert lane configured
  • When dest_locn_brcd is provided:
  • Locate the LPN to the specific location provided

    If IBLPN:

  • Cannot locate to a Consolidation location
  • Cannot locate to a Drop location used for IB Sort
  • Must be located to a VAS location if LPN requires VAS
  • Must be located to a QC location if LPN requires QC
  • If putaway allocation exist
  • LPN cannot have a Prevent Putaway lock
  • If dest_locn_brcd matches the directed location, putaway will be completed
  • If dest_locn_brcd does not match the directed location, putaway allocations will be deallocated
  • Putaway allocations must be for a single location
  • If OBLPN:
  • Cannot locate to Active or Reserve
  • Must be in status In-Picking, Picked, In-Packing, or Packed
Example XML