From MHE Distribution Pack

URL: ""

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2

Method: POST


Rest API to perform packing updates when MHE System is performing distribution and packing of inducted inventory.

New API which provides information related to the outbound LPN's packed by Tilt Tray Sorter or Put to Light System or Distribution Sorter. Once outbound LPN is completely packed MHE system makes an API call to perform packing updates for LPN distributed.

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
  • API can be invoked by sending xml_data
  • API can be invoked with packing information for one for more outbound LPNs.

Data Format

Below mentioned section describes the data elements that needs to be passed in the xml_data. Information for one or more outbound LPN's to be packed can be sent xml data.

Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type Default
facility_code If facility code is not sent all relevant allocations to be packed will be searched for all eligible facilities for the API invoked user. If facility code is sent allocations to be packed will be searched for the specific facility passed. string Users default facility
company_code If company code is not sent all relevant allocations to be packed will be searched for all eligible companies for the API invoked user defined in WMS. If company code is sent allocations to be packed will be searched for the specific company. string Users default company
mhe_system_code MHE System code which has performed the packing R string
ob_lpn_nbr outbound LPN number which is created and packed as part of distribution R string
destination_facility_code WCS system needs to send the destination facility code information associated with the outbound LPN packed R string
pallet_nbr WCS can send the pallet number if outbound LPN is palletized post packing. Field is not mandatory. If pallet number is specified, routing will not be performed even if induction location is provided. string
current_location WCS can send the barcode of the location where the packed outbound LPN is currently located. string
induction_location Once outbound LPN is packed, if the outbound LPN is to be routed, corresponding induction location barcode can be provided. If valid induction location barcode is provided (location with mhe system of type conveyor) then WMS will try to determine the appropriate divert. Induction Location shared should be of type "Drop". string
distro_control_number R string
wave_number string
ib_lpn_nbr Specifies the inbound LPN number from which the corresponding item is packed in the outbound LPN. This field will be required for consuming the pending distribution allocations. R string
item_alternate_code Alternate Code of the sku to be distributed. Either send the item alternate code or associated item parts or item_barcode C string
item_part_a C string






item_part_e C


item_part_f C string
item_barcode WCS can send the specific item_alternate_code or the corresponding item parts or the item_barcode. Item_barcode if sent will be matched with the corresponding barcode of the item or from a corresponding alternate item barcode list. C string
batch_number WCS can send the batch number corresponding to the item to be packed. R string
expiry_date WCS can send the expiry date for the item to be packed Format : YYYYMMDD000000 date
invn_attr_a WCS can send the inventory attribute_a value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_b WCS can send the inventory attribute_b value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_c WCS can send the inventory attribute_c value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_d WCS can send the inventory attribute_d value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_e WCS can send the inventory attribute_e value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_f WCS can send the inventory attribute_f value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_g WCS can send the inventory attribute_g value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
allocation_uom Depicts the UOM in which the corresponding inventory is allocated. Valid Values to be passed are UNITS, PACKS, CASES string
uom_qty WCS can send the inventory attribute_f value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN decimal
packed_qty WCS can send the inventory attribute_g value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN R decimal
  • If the individual records do fail for any business validations system, the respective errors can be seen in the application.
  • API does not perform incremental packing updates, once the message is received, outbound LPN shared in the API will be updated to packed status.
Additional Pointers
  • Outbound LPN number passed as part of API will be updated to packed status upon successful processing of a record.
  • One outbound LPN can be packed from multiple inbound LPN's, in which case the xml will contain information of all inbound LPN's which got distributed into the corresponding outbound LPN.
  • API can be used to pass induction location so that packed outbound LPN information sent from WCS can be subjected for route instruction message generation.
  • Once API is invoked and appropriate outstanding allocations determined for the inbound LPN passed, corresponding packed qty shall be reduced from the inbound LPN.
  • Relevant Order updates and container detail packed inventory history records shall be written.
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: uom_qty and packed_qty