From MHE Distribution Short

URL: ""

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2

Method: POST


Rest API to perform shorting updates when MHE System is performing distribution and packing of inducted inventory.

This will trigger the update of WMS to perform shorting related updates.

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
  • Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.
  • API can be invoked with shorting information for one for more inbound LPN/sku combination. Xml or flat file data shared through API can contain multiple inbound lpn/sku combination for performing shorting updates.

    Data Format

    Field Name Function Required Data Type Default
    facility_code If facility code is not sent all relevant allocations to short will be searched for all eligible facility for the API invoked user defined in WMS. If facility code is sent allocations to be shorted will be searched for the specific facility passed. string Users default facility
    company_code If company code is not sent all relevant allocations to short will be searched for all eligible companies for the API invoked user defined in WMS. If company code is sent allocations to be shorted will be searched for the specific company. string Users default company
    mhe_system_code MHE System code where inventory short was observed R string
    ib_lpn_nbr Inbound LPN number against which the shorting updated has to be performed. R string
    destination_facility_code WCS system to share the destination facility code information for which the short needs to be performed. R string
    item_alternate_code Alternate Code of the sku to be distributed. Either send the item alternate code or associated item parts or item_barcode C string
    item_part_a C string






    item_part_e C


    item_part_f C string
    item_barcode WCS can send the specific item_alternate_code or the corresponding item parts or the item_barcode. Item_barcode if sent will be matched with the corresponding barcode of the item or from a corresponding vendor barcode list. C string
    short_qty If sent the short qty cannot be greater than the outstanding allocation for inbound LPN /sku combination. If the short quantity is NOT sent, the system will generate an error and no updates will take place. R decimal
    distro_control_number WCS system can send the distro control number corresponding to the ib_lpn/sku combination for which shorting needs to be performed. string
    reason_code Reason_code for performing shorting. Should correspond to a valid reason code in the system string
    batch_number WCS can send the batch number corresponding to the item to be shorted string
    expiry_date WCS can send the expiry date for the item to be shorted Format : YYYYMMDD000000 date
    invn_attr_a WCS can send the inventory attribute_a value corresponding to the item to be shorted from inbound LPN string
    invn_attr_b WCS can send the inventory attribute_b value corresponding to the item to be shorted from inbound LPN string
    invn_attr_c WCS can send the inventory attribute_c value corresponding to the item to be shorted from inbound LPN string
    invn_attr_d WCS can send the inventory attribute_d value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    invn_attr_e WCS can send the inventory attribute_e value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    invn_attr_f WCS can send the inventory attribute_f value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    invn_attr_g WCS can send the inventory attribute_g value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    wave_number string
  • If multiple records are shared in single API call, response is sent back to the caller once the API request is made and response is not sent back for every error occurrence.
  • Deferred shorting updates is not possible through the API, once the relevant shorting record passes validations, appropriate qty will be reduced from the inbound LPN.
Additional Pointers
  • User needs to be eligible for facility and company code passed.
  • Inbound lpn number passed should be present in the system for performing shorting and should have relevant outstanding distribution allocations.
  • mhe_system code shared should be a valid code configured in WMS.
  • Destination facility code should be present in the system and open allocations needs to be present for the destination facility code shorted.
  • Item information shared by sending item_alternate_code/item parts or item_barcode should correspond to a valid item for the company code shared or users eligible company list.
  • Open allocation for Inbound LPN shared must be associated with the mhe_system_code shared and also the item and associated parts like batch number/expiry date and inventory attributes.
  • short_qty passed should not be greater than the pending allocations determined for lpn/item and associated parts.
  • Once the relevant record passes the validations
  • order qty will be reduced depending upon the order type flag.
  • Shorting related updates and relevant inventory history record will be written.
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: short_qty