Working with File Formats

When you are naming a file for an image only use the following characters:

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9

Anything else should not be used in a file name. You also should not start the name of a file with a number.

Avoid exporting images with Adobe products unless you are well versed in Graphic Design. These images will not load in our software. Please install GIMP via the following url:

If the image is failing to upload first make sure it is named correctly. If it is still failing, there is a good chance the image is in adobe proprietary format only meant to work in adobe software.

To resolve issues with images failing to upload, complete the following steps:

  1. Open GIMP and select File->Open.
  2. Select your image to open it.
  3. Select File->Export also known as File->Overwrite Your Image File Name.
  4. Set the quality to 100% and click Export. This should fix the file issue.