Prompt Location on Launch

The system will prompt you when you launch RF Execute Task to add the location. Then you can assign tasks to that location in the warehouse.

Nearest Task to Search By Parameter

The system uses the Nearest Task to Search By screen parameter to search for tasks at the next location of the task matching the user scanned locations Area/Aisle/Pick Zone.

Prioritizing Tasks

The following explains the RF Flow for RF-Execute Task when you need to prioritize tasks. When Task Ordering is blank, the system auto assigns and displays the task pool with tasks prioritized as follows:

If the company parameter TASK_ORDERING_PRIORITIZE_CREATE_TIME is set to No:

1. Task Status (including In Progress and Ready status) are listed in descending order. Tasks are listed where the modified user is the same as the logged in user.

2. Task Priority displays in ascending order

3. 'Task Assigned User'

  • Task assigned to person-a is not displayed to logged in user person-b
  • If the Task does not have any assigned user, check priority 4

4. Task Required Equipment Code displays.

  • The logged in User should have proper equipment eligibility to Execute the task

5. 'Next Location of Task' – displays in ascending order of the location pick sequence

6. 'Task.create_ts' displays with the oldest task first.

If company parameter TASK_ORDERING_PRIORITIZE_CREATE_TIME is set to Yes:

1. 'Task Status (including In Progress and Ready status) are listed in descending order. Tasks are listed where the modified user is the same as the logged in user.

2. Task Priority displays in ascending order

3. 'Task.Assigned User'

  • Task assigned to person-a is not displayed to logged in user person-b
  • If the Task does not have any assigned user, check priority 4

4. Task Required Equipment Code

  • The logged in User should have proper equipment eligibility to Execute the task

5. 'Task.create_ts' – displays with the oldest task first.

6. 'Next Location of Task' – displays in ascending order of the location pick sequence