
Kitting is the process of assembling child items to create a parent item or a kit. The ratio of child items required to create a parent item is called pre-pack ratio and pre-defined in WMS. De-Kitting is the process of dis-assembling parent items or kits into child items. In order to assemble or dis-assemble parent items, Work Orders are required. The assembly or dis-assembly of parent items takes place in assembly locations.

There are two types of kitting flows in WMS - Make To Stock and Make To Order.

Make to Stock – The main objective of Make to Stock flow is that, the parent items or kits are assembled beforehand and putaway to stock in anticipation of future Outbound Order for the parent items. In this flow, a Work Order is either interfaced into WMS or created from Work Order view. After parent items are assembled using this Work Order, WMS prompts you to pack the parent items into Inbound LPNs. The Inbound LPNs are then putaway to stock (reserve locations). These parent items can be picked later against outbound orders, packed, loaded and shipped out like any regular item.

Make to Order – The main objective of Make to Order flow is for the parent items or kits to be shipped out based on the Outbound Order sent to the facility. In this flow, a Work Order is automatically created in WMS when an Outbound Order with a specific Order Type is interfaced into WMS. The Work Order has a reference to the Outbound Order. So when the parent items are assembled using this Work Order, Oracle WMS Cloud prompts you to pack the assembled parent items directly into Outbound LPNs against the Outbound Order. The OBLPNs can then be loaded and shipped out like any other OBLPN.

  • Parent Items are also called Kit Items
  • Child Items are also called Component Items
  • Ratio of child items required to create a parent item is called pre-pack ratio

Prompt Serial Number during Work Order Kit Processing in RF

The RF Work Order Kit processing transaction supports serial number scanning. After assembly operations, you can associate serial numbers to the Parent Item/Kit Item Assembled. Serial Numbers can be associated to Parent/Kit items after assembly. You no longer need to take the additional step of associating serial numbers through the UI.

The RF Work Order Kit Processing transaction prompts serial numbers when the kit item is tracked and the appropriate serial tracking mode at the company level is enabled. And, when you scan the kit item, you are prompted for the serial numbers after entering the item quantity.
Note: Applicable only for prompting of serial numbers for parent items. Detailed kitting is not supported in Oracle Warehouse Management. Also, IHT - 69 Kitting Complete will be broken down by serial number.

If you are doing assembly of the kit, the flow is:

  • Serial number prompt screen is displayed for Work Order of Make to Order type when:
    • The parent item has the required_serial_number field set to ‘Required, don't validate’ or ‘Require, Validate Allow User Override’.
    • The company parameter ‘serial_number_tracking_level’ set to value ‘1’ or ‘2’.
  • Serial number prompt screen is displayed for Work Order of Make to Stock type when:
    • The item has the requried_serial_number field ? set to ‘Required, don't validate’ or ‘Require, Validate Allow User Override’.
    • The company parameter ‘serial_number_tracking_level’ set to Mode "2".

If you are doing dis-assembly of the kit, the flow is:

  • The floor user receives the serial number prompt and validation to make the Stock flow when:
    • The parent item being disassembled has requried_serial_number prompt? set to ‘Required, don't validate’ or ‘Require, Validate Allow User Override’.
    • The company parameter ‘serial_number_tracking_level’ set to Mode ‘2’.
Note: The scrap percentage will not have any impact on the serial prompt for the KIT items. Serial numbers are not prompted for the underlying child items/components consumed as part of kit operations and also serial numbers will not be prompted for child components created as part of the disassembly operation.