RF Screen Module

A new RF module, "rf.inbound.cwrfmultistepreplen" allows you to move inventory from one drop location to another and then to a final destination location.

The following diagram describes how this new RF module is used:

rf screen module

The following are some of the characteristics of the new RF Module:

  1. Scan the inventory from the source location and the system inferred the task zone.
  2. Determine the final destination zone of the inventory by scanning the task type that defines the unique task zone.
    Note: Task type can be inferred from screen parameter or user can manually enter into the system.
  3. On obtaining the source and destination zone, the system determines the following:
    • If the source location has inventory to satisfy the need/demand of supply in destination location.
    • Once inventory is available in the source destination location, the system prioritizes which location to replenish first based on the following filter:
    • If the filter criteria is set to current quantity <= minimum, then system considers inventory from the source location which are destined to pick locations having current inventory less than or equal to locations configured minimum. If multiple locations are found, the system will order the locations in ascending order of putaway sequence.
  4. After determining the source and destination, the system prompts you to pick the relevant quantity of inventory in the temporary tote and deliver to intermediate drop locations and then to final destinations.

RF Configuration Setup

The following are the set of RF configurations that you need to configure before executing the Multi-Level Replenishment flow:

  • Go to the RF Screen UI.
  • Set the following RF screen parameters:
Parameters Description
determine-src-inv-by Determines the source inventory by Location or task Zone. By Default, the value is set to location.
task-type-description Enter description that corresponding to valid task type:CONSOL-REPLEN. By default, the field is set to blank.
qty-uom Set the quantity of inventory in unit of measure of units, packs, and cases. By default, the value is set to Units.
pick-for-single-destination-locn System prompts only one destination location for which the inventory should be picked from the source location. By default, the value is set to no.
dest-locn-inclusion-criteria System to determine via the destination location to replenish through the filter criteria. When the flag is set, system considers only locations whose current inventory is <=configured locations minimum when the value is "current<=locn minimum".