Wave Group

Wave group helps to distribute loads across different pick lanes. For example, suppose there are two pick lanes from one reserve location, then you can create a replenishment task from the wave group level.

Note: Once you configure a task template at the wave group level, you can combine multiple allocations from different waves into a task as per the requirement. To create tasks in a wave group, define the Task Creation Template at the wave group level and do not define the task creation template at the individual wave level.

Task Creation Template

Task Templates are used to determine the Task Types that will be used for the wave. Task Types are records that create Tasks based on the UOMs defined in the Allocation Mode.
Note: The Wave Template configuration is said to be successful when the selected Allocation Mode’s UOMs match the Task Template’s Task Types.

Task Creation Template is a set of instructions given to the user to perform tasks to satisfy the need. The task creation template is defined by configuring the following parameter:

  1. Create a Task Creation template. Define template. For example, Type > Select Regular.
  2. Define the Sequence Number.
  3. Define the Task Type in the Task Creation template.

Task Type

When you configure the system for multi-level replenishment, you need to create task types based on the Consolidated Replenishment. This Consolidated Replenishment is required to be created to move inventories from across one drop location to another drop location.
Note: A task type for Full LPN Replenishment is created to pick inventories from a source location to the first drop location.
task type