RF Execute Task Module

The RF Execute Task module, (rf.outbound.cwrfexecutetask) allows you to execute tasks via the following parameters:

Parameter Name Parameter Choices Module Parameter Type Parameter Definition / Function
auto-assign-task None|No|Yes RF-Text: Execute {task} Selection This parameter allows you to auto Assign a Task to the floor user rather than the user getting an option to select the task to be executed. The default is No.
nearest-task-to-searchby None|Area|Aisle|Pick Zone RF-Text: Execute {task} Selection

If set to 'Area', the system will search for a task where the originating location has the same Area as the scanned location (with a pick sequence for the location that is greater than the scanned locations pick sequence.) The system orders the tasks in ascending order of the pick sequence if no task is found. Next, the system will try to find a task with a lesser pick sequence and order it in descending order.

If set to 'Aisle', the system will search for a task where the originating location has the same Area and Aisle as the scanned location (with a pick sequence for the location that is greater than the scanned locations pick sequence.) The system orders the tasks in ascending order of the pick sequence from the scanned location, if no task is found. Next, the system will try to find a task with a lesser pick sequence and order it in descending order.

If set to 'Pick Zone', the system will search for a task where the originating location has the same Pick zone as the scanned location (with a pick sequence for the location that is greater than the scanned locations pick sequence.) The system orders the tasks in ascending order of the pick sequence if no task is found. Next, the system will try to find a task with a lesser pick sequence and order it in descending order. If set to 'None', default, the system will not look for the nearest task

prompt-location-on-launch None|No|Yes RF-Text: Execute {task} Selection

If set to 'Yes', the system will prompt you to type a location code

If set to 'No', default, the system will show user available tasks

task-determination-by None|Task Type|Task Description RF-Text: Execute {task} Selection

If set to 'Task Type', the system will prompt you to type a task type code

If set to 'Task Description', the system will prompt you to type a task description

If set to 'None', default, the system will prompt the available task

task-prioritization-rule RF-Text: Execute {task} Text You can type a column ordering rule, and then the system performs the task sequencing as mentioned in the column ordering rule name provided. If 'blank', the system performs the task prioritization based on default sequence.
task-search-loc-detr-mode None|User Determined|System Determined RF-Text: Execute {task} Selection

If set to 'User Determined' or 'None', default, the system will prompt for the user location after every completion of the task and also at the very beginning.

If set to 'System Determined', the system will store the last scanned location as the location where the user is.

task-type-desc-filter RF-Text: Execute {task} Text Text can be configured with a valid task type description. If a transaction has this value populated with a valid task type description, then users will be prompted only with tasks that have the task type configured in the screen.
allow-unlisted-eligible-tasks None|Yes|No RF-Text: Execute {task} Selection

Default value is blank, works the same as No.

If set to 'None/No', WMS will not allow you to execute tasks not listed in the RF Execute Task screen.

if set to 'Yes', WMS allows you to execute tasks not listed in the RF Execute Task screen.

Note: When this parameter is set to 'Yes', validations other than task not listed in the RF execute task screen will still be enforced. For example, the user executing the task needs to be eligible, the task should be in ready status etc

Column Ordering Rule

In RF Execute task, you can use the task-prioritization-rule parameter to type a column ordering rule, and then the system performs the task sequencing you specified. If 'blank', the system will perform the task prioritization based on the default sequence.

Task Type Description Filter

The Task Type Description Filter parameter allows you to configure separate Task Types so that you are only getting the tasks you need.

For example, if you have the Task Type description pointing to REPLEN-LPN,CC-LOCATION-DTL, the system will filter tasks with Full LPN Replenishment type. If no tasks are determined for full LPN replenishment, then the message "no tasks found" displays. If multiple tasks are found, prioritization is performed using the current logic.

Note the following considerations when using the task-type-desc-filter parameter:

  • You have to provide a task type description in the screen parameter value. During screen configuration, you can provide single or multiple task types.
  • You need to configure valid task type descriptions, otherwise the system will display the error message "Invalid task type description filter configured" when user launches execute task screen.
  • task-type-desc-filter works in auto assignment and non-auto assignment mode.

Auto-Assign Task Mode

You can Auto Assign tasks using RF Execute Task. The following explains the RF flow for RF Execute task when the auto-assign-task parameter is set to Yes:

  1. The system picks up the first eligible task (In 'Ready' status) based on the task prioritization logic and launches the first screen for the task. Tasks are filtered based on the equipment type associated with the user and the task type description filter.
Note: Tasks that are in status "Processing Started" will not get displayed.
  1. If no tasks are found, then the system displays the message "No more tasks". Once you accept the message, you are returned to the main menu.
  2. If you enter CTRL-X or CTRL-W while performing task execution, the system goes back to the main menu.

When the RF Execute task auto-assign-task parameter is set to No:

  1. The system displays the task pool with tasks prioritized based on existing task sequencing logic. Then you can go to the and select the next task you would like from the list.
  2. Tasks that are in Processing Started status (where Modified User is the same as the Logged in user) are displayed.