Inbound Shipments

An Advanced Shipment Notification (ASN) is a record that keeps track of pending deliveries to the facility. In Oracle WMS Cloud, ASNs are required for receiving inventory.

Description of ASN Statuses

ASN Status
In Transit The ASN has been created but not yet received.
Receiving Started Receiving for the ASN has started but not completed.
Receiving Complete The ASN has been fully received.
Verified The ASN has been received. (Receipt Confirmation is generated and sent)
Important caveat about editing ASNs

ASNs can only be modified while in “In Transit” status. After an ASN has started receiving, its details cannot be modified (ex. adding items, updating quantities).

The ASN record will specify the items and quantity being received into the warehouse. There are four methods to create ASNs in the Oracle WMS Cloud:
  1. Creating ASNs manually from the “ASNs” screen.
  2. Uploading ASN interfaces manually from the UI.
  3. Interfacing with a host system to automatically process ASNs.
  4. Creating ASNs from existing PO records.

Inbound Shipment Interface - Receipt Advice Line

The Inbound Shipment Interface has been updated so that upon successful interface, WMS will retain shipment lines when the receipt advice line is different even if the combination of Sku/LPN/batch_nbr/invn_attr(a-o)/expiry date.) is the same.

Note: The system will not consider cust_field_1 as an identifier to consolidate different shipment details.

Perform Undo Verify with Action Button

An action button "Undo Verify" on the Inbound Shipment Inquiry UI allows you to perform undo verification operation of an Inbound Shipment from ASN Inquiry.

Note: The "Undo Verify" is applicable for Inbound Shipment with the status "Verified". To enable the "Undo Verify", do the following:
  1. Go to Group Configuration UI.
  2. Check the "IB shipment / Can Undo Verify" check box to enable "Undo Verify" permission.
Note: Users with eligible user-role permissions can access this button.

The "Undo Verify" operation is valid under following conditions:

  • If any Inbound LPN's modified timestamp is greater than the shipment verification time stamp, then the system does not proceed with Undo Verification and displays the error "Operations performed post Verification, cannot undo verify".
  • If the underlying shipment type has the field "Unallocated order details to cancel on ASN verify mode" = any value other than None, then the system does not proceed with the Undo Verify operation.