IB Shipment Serial Number UI

In industries such as manufacturing or pharmaceuticals where there are a lot of regulatory requirements for capturing/maintaining batch/lot information and the serial number information in all stages of the supply chain from production to end user consumption. It is crucial to link the correct information for each inventory. The IB Shipment Serial Number interface includes the following fields in the Create, Edit and Copy pane:

  • Batch_number
  • Expiry_date
  • Inventory_attributes (a-o)
  • PO Number
  • PO Sequence Number
  • Receipt Advice Line

These new fields allow the system to link the IB Shipment detail in scenarios such as the IB Shipment has multiple lines for the same SKU, but it has a different attribute combination.

Note: LPN is no longer a mandatory field. The minimum required fields to create a new record in this UI are "Inbound Shipment Nbr, Item Code and Original Serial Number". By default these fields can be hidden, and you can add it to your viewing group from the "add fields" section. New fields have also been added to the filter criteria.

Non-Cartonized Shipments

The LPN number is no longer a required field in the IB Shipment Serial Number interface. This means that you can send enough information for us to link serial numbers for Non-cartonized shipments. Being able to send this information in advance allows the system to link the appropriate shipment details, which saves you time when receiving.

The interface will run successfully as long as the system is able to determine the corresponding shipment detail For Action Codes "Create"/"Update"/"Delete", when an LPN number is not provided, the system searches the corresponding shipment detail by SKU/batch/expiry_date/invn_attributes (a-o)/PO Number/PO Sequence Number/Receipt Advice Line combination

For Action Code "Create", the number of serial numbers must match to the shipped quantity identified for the shipment detail. For example, when the shipment detail is the following:

IB Shipment Item Batch Inv Attr A Qty
SHIP1 Item01 B1 EU 2
SHIP1 Item01 B2 USA 1

And when you provide the following serial numbers via the IB Shipment - Serial Number Interface:

IB Shipment Item Batch Inv Attr A Serial Number
SHIP1 Item01 B1 SERB1001
SHIP1 Item01 B1 SERB1002
SHIP1 Item01 B2 SERB2001

The system determines that serial numbers SERB1001 and SERB1002 can be associated to a unique shipment detail based on the shipment number (SHIP1)/Item (Item01)/Batch (B1) combination. These are associated even when Inventory Attribute A value is not shared in the interface, and also serial number SERB2001, can be associated to the shipment number (SHIP1)/Item (Item01)/Batch (B2)/Inv Attr A (USA)/combination.

If the system is not able to determine the association of serial numbers with any details for the shipment, the IB shipment – Serial Number Interface errors out.

Changes to RF Receive Shipment and RF Receive Load

During the receiving process we identify/link the inventory to the serial number. The following three scenarios have been enhanced to better identify/link the inventory to its corresponding serial number:

  • Prior to this update, while receiving cartonized shipments, when multiple attribute serial number combinations are on the LPN for the same SKU, an error message displayed indicating that you needed to do detailed receiving.
  • You can now receive cartonized shipments for multiple attribute-serial number combinations on the LPN for the same SKU, and complete receiving faster, provided that:
    • The shipment type for the shipment has “Cartonized receiving serial nbr prompt control” set to “Do not prompt/Prompt if not known.” You can also do this when the “Cartonized receiving serial nbr prompt control” value is blank for "shipment type set/shipment type not set" for the shipment and the item received is configured to "Required don’t validate serial number."
    • Serial numbers are associated in the IB Shipment – Serial Number UI for all shipment details for the shipment/LPN prior to receiving
  • You can also now receive non-cartonized shipments without entering serial numbers and complete receiving faster when:
    • Serial numbers are associated in the IB Shipment – Serial Number UI for all shipment details prior to receiving, the number of serial numbers associated is the same as the shipped quantity, and the received quantity is also the same as the shipped quantity.
    • When the shipment type for the shipment has the “Non Cartonized receiving serial nbr prompt control” set to “Do not prompt/Prompt if not known”, or when the “Non Cartonized receiving serial nbr prompt control” value is blank for "shipment type set/shipment type not set" for the shipment and the item received is configured to "Required don’t validate serial number."
  • When you provide the serial numbers with the IB Shipment Serial Number Interface prior to receiving and you are prompted to provide the serial number during receiving. In scenarios where the serial number scanned while receiving is different than the serial number in the IB Shipment Serial Number UI, a warning message "serial number not present in shipment" will display. When you accept, the system will record the serial number scanned in the Received Serial Number field (in the IB Shipment Serial Number UI.),
Note: The above warning message can also be configured as a hard error.