From the PO Detail Screen

Similarly, users can also create ASNs for specific Items in the PO’s Detail screen.
  1. Go to the “Purchase Orders” screen.
  2. Select the PO record and click on its Details.
  3. Select the specific Item lines that are used for the new ASN and click the “Create IB Shipment” button.

    Viewing the PO Detail screen

    Note: the “Shipped Qty” will be zero until there are ASNs created for them.
  4. Click this button to open a new window where you can define the quantity shipped for each ASN Item. To edit the Item’s quantity, select the Item record and modify the value in the “Shipped Qty” field.

    Modifying Item quantities for the new ASN
  5. When finished, select the folder icon (see figure below) and either click the “Generate” button for a system-generated ASN number or manually populate the desired ASN number. Click “Save” to create the ASN.

    Creating the ASN from PO details
    Note: The system will not allow user to create a shipment if the PO detail has the Stop Receiving flag set to yes.