Order Fill Rate Report and Order Details Fill Rate Report

You can export a set of records that has the history of Sales Order and its detail SKU Level track.

Order Fill Rate Report

This report shows the history of the Sales Order in the Warehouse.

The Order Fill Rate Report shows an overview/summary of Allocated, Packed, Shipped, and Cancelled Quantity of a Sales Order. The same can be reflected in percentages.

For example, if an order is placed for 10 units, it goes through different processes within the Warehouse before it has been shipped out. In this report one can monitor different phases of the Order, whether the ordered quantity is Allocated, Packed, and Shipped. If 10 units are shipped successfully, then your fill rate for % Allocated, % Packed, and % Shipped is 100%.

This report gives you an insight on how well you have managed your inventory and how effective you are at fulfilling orders.

To export the Order Fill Rate Report, do the following:
  1. Go to the Order Fill Rate Report UI.
  2. Select the records.
    Note: By default, all columns are checked and available on the Order Fill Rate Report screen. You can un-check the columns as per your requirement, on clicking the + button.
  3. Click the Export icon and select the report type.

Order Fill Rate Report UI

Order Details Fill Rate Report

The Order Details Fill Rate Report shows an overview/summary of Allocated, Packed, Shipped, and Cancelled Order Quantity with respect to Alternate Item Codes.

This report gives you an insight on how well you have managed your inventory and how effective you are at fulfilling orders on SKU level.

To export the Order Details Fill Rate Report, do the following:

  1. Go to the Order Details Fill Rate Report UI.
  2. Select the records.
    Note: By default, all columns are checked and available on the Order Details Fill Rate Report screen. You can un-check the columns as per your requirement, on clicking the + button. Click the Export icon and select the report type.
  3. Click the Export icon and select the report type.

Order Details Fill Rate Report UI