Web Report Gen2

Web Report Gen2 has been created to provide more flexibility and better performance by exposing most of the WMS and WFM categories (ie. tables) at a fine-grained level. The earlier Gen1 combined many tables together with inbuilt joins and exposed them as higher level categories at the expense of some flexibility and some performance.

Gen2 avoids prebuilt joins such that the resulting database queries will perform better. In order to help you perform joins, please follow the guidelines provided below.

The capabilities of WebReports itself have remained the same in terms of end user formatting and layout capabilities and the type of reports.

The following are some guidelines you should follow for creating joins.
  1. There There is a company parameter that controls the option to create aliases for categories. This is controlled through the parameter WR2_CATEGORY_ALIAS_MODE.

    The values are as follows:

    The default empty string mode for WR2_CATEGORY_ALIAS_MODE:

    • allows aliases to be used
    • provides join guidance by disabling unjoinable categories
    • but restricts editing of categories after report creation


    • prevents aliases from being used
    • provides join guidance by disabling unjoinable categories
    • allows editing of categories after report creation


    • allows aliases to be used
    • does not provide any join guidance
    • allows editing of categories after report creation
  2. Every category in the table, see the complete list in Appendix 1 that exposes contains an identity key (id) that uniquely identifies a row in the table. This is not visible when seeing the columns on that table while building the report.
  3. Some of the categories will hold foreign keys to other tables. Foreign keys are just columns with names ending in _id per our convention.
    For example: The category Container, has the following:
    • Id – identity column for Entity Container
    • FACILITY_ID – Foreign key to entity Facility’s id
    • COMPANY_ID – Foreign key to entity Company’s id

    Refer to Appendix 2 for a list of entities and foreign keys these entities refer to.

  4. Some of these keys will not show up during the report layout creation. But all them will show up when one is defining the joins.
  5. The user doesn’t have to know which category can be joined to which other categories and how. WebReports handles that complexity and only allows you to join categories that are “joinable”.
  6. Some of the categories are “look up” tables that define a list of predefined values. For example: status. Most of the categories that track status will have corresponding status lookup table named as <category_name>_status. Following are the status categories:
    • allocation_status
    • appointment_status
    • asset_status
    • audit_status
    • bridge_status
    • carrier_status
    • container_status
    • container_vas_status
    • dock_status
    • ib_shipment_status
    • inventory_status
    • invoice_status
    • load_status
    • order_dtl_status
    • order_status
    • pallet_status
    • parcel_manifest_status
    • purchase_order_status
    • qc_status
    • record_status
    • route_hdr_status
    • run_status
    • stage_status
    • stop_status
    • task_status
    • vas_execution_status
    • wave_mhe_status
    • wave_template_status
    • wms_activity_status
    • wms_activity_track_status
  7. Among the categories exposed, the following relationships are important to keep in mind while performing joins. The following entities will typically get used very often in reports:
    • Inventory
    • Container
    • Location
    • Item
    • Facility
    • Company
    • Allocation
    • Task
    • Load
    • Stop
    • StopDtl

Downloading Reports

Note: When you want to download a report in Web Reports Gen2:
  1. From Web Reports Report Options -> General Options, specify the export type you want from Allowed Export Types, and click Okay.
  2. Once the report is generated, from the top left, (underneath the report name) click the Export CSV button to download the report.