Assign OBLPN to Load

URL: ""

Initial WMS Version 7.0.0


API to assign OBLPN(s) to a new or existing Load.


  1. If load does not exist, a new one will be created
  2. If the load exists in status Shipped or Cancelled, the load will be reused
  3. If the load exists in greater than Created status, but less than Shipped status, an error will be thrown
  4. Supports bulk mode if more than one OBLPN given in "oblpn_nbr" parameter, separated by character defined in "delimiter" parameter
  5. OBLPN must be less than Loaded status
  6. If you have the "reassign_load_flg" parameter set to True, then this will not apply as the LPN will be unloaded first.

Request Arguments

Parameter Description Initial Version Required Data Type Default
oblpn_nbr Delimited list of OBLPN numbers - X string
company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context
trailer_nbr Trailer updated on the load - string ""
carrier_code Carrier updated on the load - string ""
reassign_load_flg Reassign the OBLPN to new load, if already assigned to different load - boolean True
require_specific_oblpn_status Validate OBLPN has matching status (Default is Packed) - integer 80
delimiter Character used to separate oblpn_nbr list - string |
load_nbr Load OBLPN(s) will be assigned to - X string
Note: Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following weight fields: oblpn_weight.
Request Options Parameters
Name Required Type Default Description
assign_load_to_partial_order Boolean False

Request Body Example


{   "facility_id" :648,   "company_id" :369,   "order_nbr" :"ORDER16"  }
 "options" :

{   "load_nbr" : "OBL0000003019",   "assign_load_to_partial_order": true  }