Init Stage Interface

Example URL: ""


API to insert data into stage table(s) and run the interface to process the data.
Note: This is the API to be used by external systems to exchange setup and transactional data with the WMS.

All information regarding the interface entity and file groupings are within the XML in the <Header> tag.

This API supports XML format for all supported entities and flat format for a subset.

Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type Initial Supported Version
xml_data XML to be processed C string -
async Run stage table entity asynchronously True boolean -
validate_xml Throws hard error on XML structure or data issues False boolean 7.0.1
flat_data Pipe-delimited data to be processed C '' string 8.0.0
entity Type of flat data being interfaced. Only used in conjunction with flat_data. C '' string 8.0.0
  • Either xml_data or flat_data must be passed - not both.
  • "async" is applicable for both XML and flat for the processing of stage data
Flat File Data
  • Mimics the same process as if you had uploaded it via Input Interface UI
  • API keys 'flat_data' and 'entity' are required
  • Only entities "item" and "order'" are currently supported
  • Supported Entity Formats
  • order - Hierarchical format only (ORR)
  • item - One Line format only (ITM)
  • File group number format: _API_{username}_yyyymmddHHMMSSffffff
  • Where ffffff is micro-seconds
  • Example: _API_mrafalko_20161209112224184531

    Supported Entities

    Name Entity Version
    Vendor vendor 7.0.0
    Appointment appointment 7.0.0
    Item item 7.0.0
    Item Barcode item_barcode 7.0.0
    Site site 7.0.0
    Store store 7.0.0
    Purchase Order purchase_order 7.0.0
    IB Shipment ib_shipment 7.0.0
    Order order 7.0.0
    Work Order work_order 7.0.0
    Planned OB Load planned_ob_load 7.0.2
    Item Prepack item_prepack 7.0.3
    Consolidation Location consolidation_location_config 8.0.0
    IB Shipment Serial Number ib_shipment_serial_nbr 8.0.0
    Item Facility item_facility 8.0.0
    Order Instructions order_instructions 8.0.0
    Literals literals 18C
    Outbound Load Outbound_load 18C
    Movement Request movement_request 22B